ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Mayra Flores in Texas’ 34th Congressional District
For Immediate Release: June 6, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Mayra Flores in Texas’ 34th Congressional District. Flores is a candidate in the Special Election on June 14th to fill out the unexpired term of Democrat Rep. Filemon Vela, and she is also officially the Republican candidate for the full term in the election in November.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are honored to support Mayra Flores for Congress because she is a true American patriot who embodies the family values of God and country near and dear to the hearts of South Texans.
“Mayra supports free-market principles and knows the best way to create jobs is to get the government out of the way and let the private sector flourish. While Biden’s executive orders and burdensome regulations are killing Texas jobs and endangering the lives of all Americans through a weakened and unsecure border, Mayra is determined to reverse the course and restore American prosperity back to Texas.
“As the wife of a U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agent, Mayra is a huge advocate for law enforcement officers who put their lives on the line to protect Americans from the drug smugglers and criminals who try to sneak across the border illegally every single day. And while Democrats exploit Texans by promoting an open border to score political points with their liberal base, Mayra knows the sovereignty of our nation is dependent on a secure border.
“For more than 100 years, liberals have taken this district for granted and think they are entitled to receive the support from voters in South Texas. And while Democrats continue to force their radical job-killing policies onto Texans thinking they will still get re-elected, it’s clear voters are fed up with tax-and spend liberals and their radical anti-family policies. That is why Mayra Flores has surged to the top, leaving liberals desperate in a scramble to maintain control.
“Mayra Flores is a solid conservative who is well-suited to take on the liberal establishment in Washington, D.C. Her faith and family values guide her, and I’m confident if elected, she’ll champion our Tea Party principles of reducing the size of government, reining in out-of-control spending, and promoting American prosperity. We are honored to offer our endorsement of Mayra Flores as the next Congresswoman from Texas,” Russo concluded.
The following are statements from local grassroots leaders:
“Mayra Flores is a strong woman who understands the values of hard work and determination. She believes in God, Family, and Country; that’s something I can believe in.” – Eddie Gonzales, Grassroots Activist
“Mayra is truly the best candidate for the job. She is a woman who will put her faith, values, integrity, and principles above anything else. She is a God and America first candidate. She will fight for the unborn, for our border, for our military, for our country, and for our freedoms. A vote for Mayra is a vote for a true God-fearing American Patriot!” – Pastor Luis Cabrera, City Church Harlingen
“Mayra will not compromise on her strong conservative values!” – Sylvia Escamilla, Grassroots Activist
“Christian Conservative and a mother of 3. I believe Mayra Flores’s message; it has touched my heart. She’s one of us! She represents our conservative values Pro-God, Pro-Life, and Pro-Country. Something many of us in South Texas grew up with. She’s the one we need in Washington DC!” – Anel Castillo, Grassroots Activist
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contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124.