ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Kevin Hayslett in Florida’s 13th Congressional District
For Immediate Release: August 22, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Kevin Hayslett in Florida’s 13th Congressional District.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Kevin Hayslett is a political outsider who is committed to sound fiscal and immigration policies, and we are honored to endorse his campaign.
“Kevin Hayslett served as Florida’s Assistant State Attorney for five years where he helped lock up dangerous criminals and members of the drug cartel. The crisis at the border and influx of drug and human traffickers has intensified under President Biden due to his lack of border control. And unlike Kevin’s opponent who praised Obama claiming she “always agreed with President Obama’s immigration policies,” Kevin is committed to protecting American interests and keeping Floridians safe through a secure border.
“As a business owner himself, Kevin knows firsthand Florida businesses can expand and provide well-paying jobs for residents if the federal government would get out of the way and lift their oppressive mandates and regulations. Kevin understands lower taxes allows people to keep more of their hard-earned money and invest in more economic growth and better jobs for our people, and he has pledged to fight against every single tax increase when elected to Congress.
“While liberals in Congress like Nancy Pelosi continue to bankrupt our nation with massive tax hikes and anti-free market policies, Kevin Hayslett is committed to reverse the course. Floridians are fed-up with being forced to pay more at the gas pump and for goods and services because Congress can’t balance a budget and live within its means.
“I’m confident Kevin will fight to protect the freedoms of Floridians and ensure American interests are guarded against both internal and external threats. Tea Party Express is proud to offer our endorsement to Kevin Hayslett as the next new Congressman from Florida and know he’ll champion our Tea Party principles to reduce the intrusiveness of government, rein in out-of-control spending, and restore America to the ‘shining city on a hill’ it once was,” Russo concluded.
The following are statements from local grassroots leaders:
“I volunteered for Kevin’s campaign the second I heard he was running for Congress. I first heard of Kevin by listening to him on the radio when a local station had a lawyer Q&A session. I liked how Kevin was knowledgeable and how he explained his response/answers. I sought out Kevin’s own radio show with callers phoning in questions as I always felt Kevin was sincere and felt educated for having listened to his show. Kevin is the type of person that I want representing my district in U.S. Congress. He’s a local grown self-made lawyer/ businessman who truly has his constituents best interest at heart.” – Jordan Nichols
“As a law enforcement officer, we often refer to defense attorneys as being on the “dark side.” I’ve known Kevin Hayslett as a defense attorney for almost 30 years. I’ve never thought of him that way. I’ve had Kevin cross examine me on many occasions and I’ve always found him to be respectful and fair. In fact, Kevin is the ONLY defense attorney that I know of that volunteers his time to teach police how to “do it right.” – Maggie Jewett
“I’ve volunteered on 13 campaigns over the years, and I have never seen anyone as hardworking as Kevin Hayslett. Kevin is the only candidate who is from here and knows the people of Pinellas County and what’s important to us. He has a servant’s heart, which is why the community stands behind him as our candidate for Congress.” – Dawn Simmons
“There’s no better candidate to represent us in Congress than Kevin Hayslett. I support Kevin because he is a proven leader who is respected in our community, and the only Trump Tough Republican in this race!” – Ken Gore
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express,
contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124