ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Four Fiscal Conservatives for Election in Illinois Regan Deering, Scott Gryder, Catalina, Lauf and Keith Pekau for Congress
For Immediate Release: August 18, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of four excellent Congressional candidates: Regan Deering in Illinois’s 13thCongressional District, Scott Gryder in Illinois’s 14th Congressional District, Catalina Lauf in Illinois’s 11thCongressional District, and Keith Pekau in Illinois’s 6th Congressional District.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are pleased to support Regan Deering, Scott Gryder, Catalina Lauf, and Keith Pekau for election to Congress because they are all fiscally conservative candidates who support the free market and will champion our Tea Party principles of limited government, lower taxes, and fiscal responsibility.
Regan Deering, Illinois’s 13th Congressional District. “Regan recognizes our country is at a critical turning point and that tax and spend liberals like Nancy Pelosi who continue to raise taxes and ram through massive spending bills are passing on a debt to future generations that they’ll never be able to repay.
“As a small business owner and educator, Regan is passionate about empowering individuals to achieve the American dream without the burdensome interference from the Federal Government. She’s a fierce advocate for local farms and knows the agriculture community is the backbone of the 6th District – yet the failed policies of Washington D.C. politicians have caused massive supply chain disruptions and chaos making it harder for honest farmers to earn a living.

“While President Biden continues to attack the private sector and saddle small businesses with massive tax hikes and intrusive regulations – Regan Deering is committed to reverse the course and advocate for a pro-growth agenda that will ensure a stable economy for generations to come.
“The Tea Party Express is proud to endorse Regan Deering in her Congressional campaign, and we are confident she’ll fight back against radical government spending and tax increases to promote lasting economic freedom for the people of Illinois.
Scott Gryder, Illinois’s 14th Congressional District. “Scott Gryder is a solid fiscal conservative, and believes our nation’s massive national debt and reckless spending is the greatest threat to American prosperity for future generations.
“A true servant leader, Scott has been involved in every aspect of civic leadership and has given back to his local community. He’s been elected three times to the Kendell County Board where he currently serves as Chairman, and has been involved in serving on many Economic Development Committees. His philanthropic activities are impressive as Scott is currently a Make a Wish Volunteer and serves on the Oswego Park Foundation Board of Directors. His commitment to his community shows he’s in touch with the concerns and issues in his district and demonstrate a track record of leadership that will enable him to advocate for his constituents once elected.
“Scott refuses to accept the status-quo policies of Washington D.C. politicians, and he has pledged to break the D.C. gridlock to fight on behalf of the people in the 14th District. While Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden continue to crush small business with red tape and regulations, Scott is committed to providing tax and regulatory relief so businesses can thrive and provide good paying jobs for Illinoisans.
“I’m confident when elected Scott Gryder will stand up to the Washington D.C. tax and spend liberals and work to reduce the size of government, stop runaway spending bills, and restore fiscal sanity, and we are pleased to give him our endorsement.
Catalina Lauf, Illinois’s 11th Congressional District. “Catalina Lauf is a fierce fighter for liberty and is not afraid to stand up to the radical leftist politicians who are destroying our country.
“As the daughter of a legal immigrant and small business owner, Catalina is passionate about empowering others to achieve the American dream – just as she was able to accomplish despite her humble beginnings. She currently works in the private sector and has helped grow her family’s small business, and she previously served as a presidential appointee as a Special Advisor on Minority Business Development at the Department of Commerce.
“Working in the private sector – Catalina understands the importance of creating a pro-growth environment so small business owners and workers can thrive without politicians forcing through burdensome regulations and higher taxes which only drive businesses overseas.
“While Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi are determined to crush the entrepreneurial spirit that our nation was founded upon, Catalina has pledged to fight to protect the individual rights of the people in the 11th District so they can make the best decisions for themselves and their families – without government intrusion.
“With our country facing record-high inflation and economic turmoil, now more than ever we need to elect commonsense conservatives like Catalina Lauf. I’m confident she’ll be a fierce advocate to champion our Tea Party principles to stop runaway spending, reduce the intrusiveness of government, and restore American prosperity, and we are honored to endorse her election to Congress.
Keith Pekau, Illinois’s 6th Congressional District. “Keith Pekau’s a decorated combat veteran who bravely served our nation fighting to defend our American values of freedom and prosperity.
“After serving in the Air Force, Keith went on to start two successful small businesses, so he understands firsthand the importance of fiscal responsibility and how to pour back into the economy by creating good-paying jobs for individuals.
“Determined to help improve his hometown, Keith ran for Mayor of Orland Park and won – and in just one term he was able to cut operating expenses by 14 percent, pay down $50 million in debt, and lower property tax rates by 28 percent.
“With Washington D.C. bureaucrats like Nancy Pelosi spending our nation into oblivion, we need to elect Ken Pekau to Congress, as he has already proven throughout his career, he has the fiscal knowledge to balance a budget and reduce waste.
“I’m confident when elected Keith Pekau will take his military knowledge and fiscal prudence to the halls of Congress and reverse the dangerous economic collapse our nation is headed towards. We are proud to endorse Keith Pekau for Congress and are confident he’ll be a fierce champion of our Tea Party principles to restore fiscal sanity, stop massive tax hikes, and get the government out of our lives,” Russo concluded.
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124.