Tea Party Express Endorses Nick LaLota, Andrew Garbarino, George Santos, Mike Lawler, and Colin Schmitt for Congress in New York
For Immediate Release: October 18, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of five excellent Congressional candidates: Nick LaLota in New York’s 1stCongressional District, Andrew Garbarino in New York’s 2nd Congressional District, George Santos in New York’s 3rdCongressional District, Mike Lawler in New York’s 17th Congressional District, and Colin Schmitt in New York’s 18thCongressional District.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are pleased to support Nick LaLota, Andrew Garbarino, George Santos, Mike Lawler, and Colin Schmitt for Congress because they are all committed to fighting back against the tax-and-spend Democrats in Congress who are destroying our economy with frivolous spending bills. Between the skyrocketing national debt and record-high inflation, New York has been hit hard by the failed policies of Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden.
“When the Democrats in the State Legislature produced an obscenely gerrymandered redistricting map, even New York courts thought it was a step too far. They modified the map to make it much more competitive for Republicans. These five districts are now clearly in our sights, and in this election, we have the opportunity to win these seats in a traditionally Democratic state.
Nick LaLota, New York’s 1st Congressional District. “Nick LaLota is a true servant leader who has dedicated his life to helping his fellow Americans enjoy the freedoms that have been passed down from generation to generation.
“After graduating from the United States Naval Academy, Nick entered the Navy and bravely served our nation, deploying overseas three separate times to twenty different countries. His faithful service as a Surface Warfare Officer earned him a Joint Service Commendation Medal.
“To date, only 91 Members of Congress have ever served in the military, and collectively, Congress lacks the wisdom needed to direct America’s national security strategy. And with the ever-increasing national security threat we face as hostile dictators and terrorists seek to exercise dominance and control, we need to send battle-tested leaders like Nick LaLota to Congress who actually understand the vulnerabilities and dangers that threaten our American sovereignty.
“After bravely defending our freedoms abroad, Nick returned to New York and served on the Amityville Board of Trustees where he focused on reducing taxes and developing a sustainable fiscal budget. He continued to serve in various leadership roles in his community, and currently serves as the Chief of Staff to the Suffolk County Legislature.
“With Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden embarking on a spending spree using the hard-earned paychecks of the American people to foot the bill, something needs to be done to stop tax-and-spend Democrats before it is too late. There won’t be a better person to stand up for taxpayers than Nick LaLota.
“I’m confident Nick will apply his local government experience as a congressman to champion our Tea Party principles to stop frivolous spending bills, reduce the tax burden crippling Americans, and restore American prosperity, and we are pleased to endorse his campaign for Congress.
Andrew Garbarino, New York’s 2nd Congressional District. “Congressman Garbarino has proven he has what it takes to fight on behalf of his constituents. Since his brief time in office, he’s already established a reputation for constituent service that have made him extremely popular in his district. He has helped more than 3,000 New Yorkers fight back and recoup $4,000,000 from the federal government and rightfully return it back to the hands of Long Islanders where it belongs.
“Watching the antics of Speaker Nancy Pelosi while in Congress, Andrew has witnessed firsthand how Pelosi’s failed policies have led to record-high inflation and skyrocketing prices at the grocery store and the gas pump. And while taxes are already high in New York, the crushing effect of President Biden’s reckless spending sprees have left New Yorkers in a dire financial situation with many families not able to make ends meet.
“The truth is, small business owners have suffered under the hands of Democrats in Congress, and while liberals hope to spend their way out of a financial crisis, Andrew has fought against Pelosi’s radical spending agenda and voted for legislation that will actually help small businesses thrive.
“As a third-generation business owner himself, Andrew Garbarino knows small businesses are the backbone of our economy and provide jobs for Long Islanders so they too can achieve the American dream just like their ancestors who fled to New York seeking freedom.
“I’m confident Andrew Garbarino will continue to champion our Tea Party principles to stop massive tax hikes, rein in runaway spending, and reduce the size of government, and we are pleased to endorse his campaign.
George Santos, New York’s 3rd Congressional District. “George Santos is a first-generation American who understands the opportunities available to those in pursuit of the American dream.
“Unlike Democrats like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden who want to punish those chasing the American dream by saddling them with record-high taxes and more government control, George believes small business owners and families can best succeed with lower taxes and less government intrusion.
“New Yorkers continue to feel the pain at the gas pump with record-high inflation causing soaring prices in every area of life. George believes the best way to fight inflation is to foster energy independence and have fewer regulations so the free market can thrive.
“While Biden and Pelosi may continue to try and pass the blame of their failed policies onto hostile leaders in the world, Democrats refuse to take responsibility for the fact it’s their disastrous tax-and spend policies and insistence on making America dependent on foreign dictators that are ruining our economy and driving up prices at the gas pump.
“George firmly believes in making America energy independent and ensuring big-government bureaucrats get out of the way and let our energy industry thrive and create jobs for Americans.
“His opponent, Robert Zimmerman, is a partisan New York Democrat who has a public relations firm while he serves on the Democratic National Committee. He refuses to take responsibility for the dire situation in New York City caused by the failed policies of Governor Andrew Cuomo, Mayor Bill De Blasio, and the Washington, D.C. liberals led by President Joe Biden.
“New York City deserves better representation than they have received, and I’m confident George Santos will fiercely champion our Tea Party principles to reduce big-government regulations, lower our taxes, and rein in runaway spending, and we are pleased to endorse his campaign.
Mike Lawler, New York’s 17th Congressional District. “Mike Lawler has served his community as both an assemblyman and a small business owner, and now he’s determined to fight on behalf of his constituents in Washington, D.C.
“As an assemblyman, Mike worked tirelessly to bring financial restraint to New York’s budget and reduce the massive tax burden crippling New Yorkers. His leadership, coupled with his experience as Deputy Town Supervisor in Orangetown and his role with working in the Westchester County Executive’s Office, demonstrate a record of commitment to financial integrity and restraint that is sorely needed in Congress.
“Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden continue with their reckless spending spree with no regard for the financial carnage they leave behind. And with the highest inflation we’ve seen in 40 years poisoning every area of life, Americans continue to feel the consequences of the bad fiscal policies flooding out of Washington, D.C.
“His Democrat opponent, Congressman Sean Patrick Maloney, is one of the most partisan members of Congress serving as their top political operative. Just recently, it was discovered that Maloney was touring Europe for a series of fundraising events, totally disrespecting voters that expected him to make a case for his re-election. He would rather fundraise in Europe than face his constituents.
“Mike is determined to fight back against Joe Biden and Congressman Maloney who have a history of supporting high taxes and policies that hurt New Yorkers. Democrats may think they own the voters in New York, but New Yorkers deserve a fiscally conservative leader like Mike who will bring common sense solutions to our spending crisis and get America back on track.
“I’m confident Mike Lawler will champion our Tea Party principles to reduce our tax burden, stop runaway spending, and bring fiscal restraint to Congress, and we are pleased to endorse his campaign.
Colin Schmitt, New York’s 18th Congressional District. “Colin Schmitt is a hard-working leader committed to public service and improving the quality of life for all New Yorkers.
“As a state assemblyman, Colin Schmitt dedicated his legislative focus to bringing tax relief and ethics reform to New York. He also created the Small Business of the Month Appreciation Program as he understands small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
“In addition to his legislative experience, Colin serves as a Sergeant in the Army National Guard and is committed to doing whatever it takes to fight and protect our great nation.
“Colin knows the reckless financial policies of Democrats like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Joe Biden are bankrupting our nation and have led to a record-high inflation. Congress has a spending problem, and while Democrats continue to tax and spend, Americans struggle to make ends meet and are forced to live paycheck to paycheck.
“No longer can Democrats go unchecked and destroy the quality of life for current and future generations, and Colin has pledged to do his part to bring back checks and balances to government and end the fiscal irresponsibility that is bankrupting our nation.
“His Democrat opponent is Congressman Pat Ryan who was newly elected in a special election in an adjoining district. Unfortunately for voters, Ryan is continuing his history of supporting liberal ideas that have taken their toll on New York residents. He endorsed a presidential candidate because of his ‘progressive vision,’ and the last thing we need in Congress is someone looking for a ‘progressive vision.’ In addition, as Ulster County Executive, Ryan championed universal basic income and handed over taxpayer money to 100 families.
“I’m confident when Colin Schmitt is elected to Congress, he will oppose this liberal nonsense and work tirelessly to reduce government waste, cut frivolous spending, and bring fiscal sanity back to Congress, and we are pleased to give him our endorsement,” Russo concluded.
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