Space Available for Embedded Reporters Onboard Tea Party Express Bus!
“Reclaiming America” Tour Features Presidential Candidates
The Tea Party Express is halfway through their “Reclaiming America” tour, which is crossing the country holding tea party rallies in two 33-foot coaches. After the first round of embeds, there is now availability for members of the press to join the tour at no cost, offering them rare access to a look behind-the-scenes of one of the nation’s most aggressive and influential tea party groups.
The tour caravan is currently in Michigan, and headed into Ohio and New Hampshire. Presidential candidates and conservative VIP’s such as Mitt Romney, Sarah Palin, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Buddy Roemer, and Gary Johnson will attend in the coming days. The tour culminates on September 12th in Tampa, FL for the historic Tea Party Presidential Debate, hosted by CNN and Tea Party Express.
News outlets who have previously embedded with the Tea Party Express include CNN, FOX News, NPR, NY Times, LA Times, TIME Magazine, and many more. Along the tour, special guest speakers will include elected officials, conservative leaders, citizen activists, and presidential candidates.