Yes We Cain: Tea Party Response to the State of the Union
I am so excited to let you all know that the Tea Party Express team is in Washington, D.C. for the Tea Party Response to the State of the Union!
Last year, Tea Party Express delivered the first ever Tea Party Response to the State of the Union with Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. This year, Herman Cain will be delivering the official Tea Party Response to the President’s address.
We chose business executive and former Presidential candidate, Herman Cain, to deliver the response because of his strong support of the tea party movement. Mr. Cain has worked with Tea Party Express and local tea party groups across the country for the past several years. He has been a strong voice for the conservative principles and values of the movement.
As a business executive, he understands the economic crisis that we face today. He knows what it will take to turn this economy around and to create a pro-growth environment. Businesses need confidence to invest in their companies and put people back to work, which they are not getting under this current administration.
One area where Mr. Cain differs completely from the President is that he knows we cannot spend our way out of debt. He understands that we are facing tough decisions, and that there will be difficult steps to take in order to balance our budget and put us on the path to prosperity once again.
I am looking forward to this evening and hearing what I hope will be President Obama’s last State of the Union Address. I know this is an official Address, but I fully expect more of the same rhetoric that we often hear from our current President, as he is in constant campaign mode.
I am optimistic that this time next year, we will have a new President that will focus on the issues addressed by Mr. Cain tonight in the official Tea Party Response to the State of the Union!
Tonight, the President will deliver his State of the Union address to the American people and Congress at 9:00 PM EST. Governor Mitch Daniels will deliver the official Republican response after the President finishes his address. Immediately following Governor Daniels’ rebuttal, Herman Cain will deliver the Tea Party response to the State of the Union from the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
Pictures are posted HERE.