Tea Party Express Urges Rep. Akin to Step Down
“‘Bidenisms’ are distracting from the important issues”
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest tea party political action committee, is urging Congressman Todd Akin to resign his candidacy for the U.S. Senate.
Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said, “Congressman Akin’s comments this weekend are not just unfortunate and inappropriate, but they are distracting from our main goal of defeating Claire McCaskill and taking the Senate gavel out of the hands of Harry Reid. At a time when our national debt is approaching $16 trillion, job growth is stagnate, and the Senate has failed to pass a budget in over 3 years, we need a candidate that is ready to help lead the charge for conservative solutions.
“One of the lessons we learned in 2010 is that we need candidates who are not only conservative, but are capable of putting together a strong campaign against liberal opponents. Akin’s frequent ‘Bidenisms’ are distracting from the important issues at hand.
”It is critical that we defeat Senator Claire McCaskill in November, but it will be too difficult to achieve that with Todd Akin as the conservative alternative. He should step down and give conservatives a chance at taking back the Senate in November,” Kremer concluded.