Tea Party Applauds Bipartisan Rejection of Obamacare
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is gratified to see the Senate’s bipartisan rejection of a key provision in Obamacare.
Tea Party Express’ Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We applaud the Senate’s decisions to reject Obamacare’s medical device tax by an overwhelming vote of 79-20. Whether you’re in favor of Obamacare or not, Democrats are finally realizing that the American economy cannot afford these burdensome taxes.
“The consequence of removing this major part of funding for Obamacare is either new taxes or higher deficits. We are echoing the call of Senator Ted Cruz and other Tea Party leaders that the health of our economy should be Washington’s first priority. With anemic economic growth and an ever-expanding national debt, it’s imperative that we suspend these massive taxes from devastating the already weak economy.
“This tax on medical devices is not the only economically devastating impact of Obamacare. American Action Forum’s survey of insurers in five major cities found that insurers expect premiums to rise 169%. The CBO estimates 7 million workers will lose their employer-provided health coverage. In January, the human resources consulting firm, Adecco, found that half of small businesses plan to either layoff workers, not hire new workers, or shift employees to part-time due to the burdens of Obamacare.
“It’s good to see the Democrats finally conceding the negative effects of Obamacare on our economy. This is only the first step, and we look to Congress to postpone the dire economic consequences of Obamacare until significant economic growth returns to the United States. By then, hopefully the wisdom of repealing Obamacare will become clearer,” Russo concluded.