Tea Party Express Endorses Congressman Kerry Bentivolio in Michigan’s 11th Congressional District
Milford, MI – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proudly announcing its endorsement of Congressman Kerry Bentivolio.
Tea Party Express Chairman Amy Kremer said, “The first term of any politician that goes to D.C. is telling– they either fall in line or they stand apart. Congressman Bentivolio stayed true to his principles and proudly stood apart as a conservative leader and an independent voice for Michigan’s 11th Congressional District. We were excited about Kerry Bentivolio when we endorsed him in 2012 and we are now proud to be able to stand with him again in 2014.
“Congressman Bentivolio is the typical Mr. Smith goes to Washington story,” Kremer said. “His background is representative of the everyday American, not some polished D.C. insider. When he arrived in D.C., with the Constitution in one hand and his wife holding the other, he took on the establishment of both parties and consistently advocated for the reduction of the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government. Tea Party Express is proud to endorse Congressman Kerry Bentivolio for his second term in the House of Representatives,” Kremer concluded.