Interview with Kay Rivoli- National Grassroots Director, Tea Party Express
by Justin Petty
Administrative Director
Each week, we’ve featured your column, in which you’ve shared with us your interactions with local tea party groups across the country and your thoughts on this election cycle. What information this week do you feel is important to share?
I’m feeling very good about tea party success heading into election day, though I still want to remind folks why elections next week are so important as we really do need all tea party voters fully engaged if we’re going to continue to make progress in restoring this great nation. Next week, we have a chance to finally elect a conservative majority in the Senate and rip the gavel out of Harry Reid’s hands, preventing any further liberal judicial appointments by President Obama in his last two years. Whether or not our primary candidate made it, we HAVE to support the more conservative candidate in each race.
What is your sense of tea party voter engagement at this point in the election cycle?This week, I spent time in North Carolina, where I saw a great amount of support for Congressional candidate David Rouzer and U.S. Senate candidate Thom Tillis. I’ve also spoken with folks from Kansas where it’s evident voters see the contrast between conservative Senator Pat Roberts and liberal Greg Orman, and groups in Kentucky who seem to understand the importance of re-electing Mitch McConnell over his Democratic challenger. It’s very encouraging, but we have to come through on Election Day.
We’re now just 8 days away until Election Day. As we continue through these final days, what still needs to be done to make sure we are successful in winning the many important races we are focusing in on across the country?
We need all tea party purists to step up to the plate. We cannot afford to sit the election out, as the stakes are too high. Our tea party candidates may have not all made it, but we can fight those battles again in the next primaries. What is important is that we support the most conservative candidate in each race to prevent Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and President Obama from continuing to push their radical agenda onto the American people. We have to fight.
Read our other newsletter articles here!
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