Tea Party Express Endorses Rep. Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, proudly endorses Congressman Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate in Louisiana. We join with other conservatives in Louisiana in embracing Cassidy for this vital run-off election on December 6th.
Tea Party Express’ Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, “After all the success we had last week, it’s easy to sit back in satisfaction. However, liberal Senator Mary Landrieu is an accessory to one of the most destructive, hyper-partisan liberal agendas in our nation’s history. Senator Landrieu’s loyalty to President Obama and Harry Reid has allowed America’s debt to skyrocket and spending to continue to spiral out-of-control.
“Louisiana has been particularly harmed by having a Senator that has abandoned her constituents to perpetuate a liberal agenda. Thanks to Obamacare, Louisianans are seeing health care premium increases next year as high as 19.7%. Despite her impotent short run as Chairman of the Senate Energy Committee, her liberal colleagues and President Obama are blocking approval for the Keystone XL pipeline, restricting the state’s economic potential.
“On December 6th, we have a chance to stop that. Congressman Bill Cassidy is the conservative choice for a new direction. Bill Cassidy brings a wealth of knowledge and service to Louisiana, and as a doctor, he understands America’s health care system. He has fought against Obamacare because he understands putting the government in between patients and doctors only raises costs and lowers quality.
“He also wants to help the American economy by first helping Louisiana. That starts with approving the Keystone XL Pipeline. The pipeline will add an estimated 42,000 jobs to the region and $20 billion to the U.S. economy. As Louisiana’s Senator, Bill Cassidy will be an independent, conservative voice for the people of Louisiana. That’s why Tea Party Express is proudly endorsing his candidacy for U.S. Senate,” Budowich concluded.
Statements from statewide and local conservative leaders:
“Dr. Bill Cassidy has my full support and more importantly my vote on December 6th. After 85,000 miles, we got my truck the tune up it needed, and we will hit the road hard for Dr. Cassidy these next 26 days to make sure we finally bring Mary Landrieu home.
Conservatives across our country and here in Louisiana are rallying behind Dr. Cassidy; Louisianans Woody Jenkins and Tony Perkins, Senators Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. I’m pleased to say that Governor Palin has let me know she will join us this Saturday in Louisiana to help elect Bill Cassidy.
Thank you to the more than 200,000 Louisianans who honored me with your vote. I am humbled by the gift of their most sacred right: their votes. Bill Cassidy has assured me he is going to work hard to earn their votes. I encourage them to meet him, listen to him, study the stark policy differences between Dr. Cassidy and Sen. Landrieu. In the end, I’m confident they will see as I do that he is a man of faith, who loves our country and loves Louisiana. Anything other than a vote for Dr. Bill Cassidy is a victory for Barack Obama and that my friends is not an option.”
Col. Rob Maness (ret.)
“Geaux Free endorsement carries a strong majority of the core committee and the membership.
Geaux joins with Gov. Jindal, U.S. Senator Rand Paul, U.S. Senator David Vitter in support of Rep. Bill Cassidy. Geaux Free joins with Col. Rob Maness to support and vote for Rep. Cassidy. Geaux Free joins with Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Woody Jenkins and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to endorse Cassidy and build unity within the Republican Party. Geaux Free is honored to endorse Rep. Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senator to represent Louisiana.”
Geaux Free Tea Party of Lafayette
Joyce Linde/President
“What strikes one immediately about Bill Cassidy is his honesty, integrity, humility and his caring for others. This is true of his patients and his constituents. As I have come to know him, he is representative of that old adage: “Character is doing the right thing when no one is looking.” That is the everyday Bill Cassidy, whether fulfilling his role as a husband, a father, a physician, or a Congressman. My husband and I have found Bill, the Congressman, very approachable. He has gained a 100% rating from National Right to life, an A+ from the National Rifle Association and an A – from Numbers USA. Those votes in Congress for life, for 2nd Amendment rights and against Amnesty and illegal immigration were easy for Rep. Cassidy- they came from the heart, authentic and principled. As a U.S. Senator, he will represent Louisiana well.”
Joyce Collier LaCour, Founder, Greater Baton Rouge Pachyderms
“As a Tea party member and also as a conservative delegate for the Republican State Central Committee, we are going to retire Senator Mary Landrieu for having voted with President Obama 97% of the time and for being the deciding vote on the obamination known as Obamacare. As we move forward to send Dr. Bill Cassidy to be Louisiana’s next Senator, we as conservatives will be sure to hold him accountable as he represents us in the U.S. Senate.”
George Peterson, Republican State Central Committee Member and Tea Party Activist
“We are extremely proud and honored to be the largest Louisiana Tea Party group to publicly endorse Congressman Bill Cassidy for U.S. Senate in his runoff election against incumbent Mary Landrieu. Our endorsement of Bill Cassidy to replace Mary Landrieu as our next U.S. Senator is based solely on his record of working with the people in trying to deal with the problems we face in reducing government, taxes and spending versus his opponent, Mary Landrieu, and her actual Obama’s agenda voting record. He has earned our endorsement and support and it’s time for all Louisiana conservatives to speak up for Bill Cassidy.”
Bob Reid, Founder and Board Member Tea Party of Louisiana
“It is time for conservatives to come together and do what needs to be done to remove Mary Landrieu from her seat. As compared to Senator Landrieu, Bill Cassidy is the better choice in this election to represent our views. Mary Landrieu needs to be retired as the Senator from Louisiana.”
Joe Liss, Tea Party Activist, Greater New Orleans Tea Party
“Bill Cassidy will make a great Senator. Ten times better than what we have now. He is a great conservative and has expressed his willingness to work with us and listen to the conservative movement here in Louisiana. Bill Cassidy needs to be the next U.S. Senator from Louisiana and Mary Landrieu needs to be sent packing.”
Michael Chittom, Board Member, Tea Party of Louisiana