Tea Party Express Endorses Warren Davidson for Congress
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proud to announce its endorsement of Warren Davidson for Congress in Ohio’s 8th District.
Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, “Warren Davidson is a true conservative outsider, and exactly the kind of leader we desperately need in Congress. Warren isn’t a career politician or political insider—he’s a proven leader, businessman, and defender of our country. Before becoming a successful businessman, he graduated from West Point and served as one of America’s most elite fighters as an Army Ranger. He has lived a life of service to his community and to our great nation.
“Warren has a deep passion for conservatism, standing in strong opposition to Obamacare, Common Core, and irresponsible government debt. And the old saying stands true, ‘You are who you surround yourself with.’ In Warren Davidson’s case, that’s Congressman Jim Jordan and the Freedom Caucus. The Freedom Caucus has served as the tip of the spear for conservatives in Washington, D.C., taking on both special interests and establishment, do-nothing politicians.
“Warren is a fighter and leader, and Tea Party Express is proud to endorse Warren Davidson in Ohio’s 8th Congressional District,” Budowich concluded.
The following are statements of support from local, grassroots leaders:
“I have lived in the 8th Congressional District for twenty years We get to start again, fresh, with someone who will take the tough stands for our nation and represent the people of the 8th who believe in the Republican principles of fiscal responsibility, a limited Constitutional government and the free market. We need experience in Congress, not political experience, not media experience; we need someone who understands the damage the government is doing to our economy and our freedom – Warren Davidson is that man. Therefore, I have decided to support Warren Davidson.”
-Ann Becker, President, Cinncinnati Tea Party and Grassroots Activist, Ohio
“The TEA Party Groups in Ohio know that it is not enough to see John Boehner out of Congress. We must replace him with a true “Citizen Representative” who will put the interests of the people before their own interest and those of any special interests. We believe that Warren Davidson is a man with that type of character. A veteran, a successful business man and a person who cares deeply about our nation, Warren has the support of conservatives all over Ohio and we will work to see him elected as the next Congressman from the Ohio 8th Distict.”
-Tom Zawistowski, Executive Director, Portage County TEA Party President, We the People Convention
“I really like the fact Warren Davidson is not a lifetime candidate. He is an average American businessman who has served his country and has a proven track record in every endeavor. He is a man of faith who believes God has called him to this endeavor. I believe he has the wherewithal from being an Army Ranger to take on what this task entails. I believe he will be a great Congressman for all of Ohio.”
-Bobbi Radeck, Grassroots Activist, Ohio
“Warren Davidson is a Christian businessman and former special forces soldier who will champion our Constitutional rights and fight ObamaCare, Common Core, taxpayer funding of abortion, and government waste. Warren will fight to the mat for our values, like the former special ops soldier that he is.”
-Lori Viars, Conservative Republican Leadership Committee