Tea Party Express Endorses Duncan Hunter for U.S. Congress in California
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Congressman Duncan Hunter in California’s 50th Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Congressman Duncan Hunter is a fighter in every sense of the word. Whether fighting terrorists overseas while serving in the military or fighting big government liberals in Washington as a Congressman, he has never backed down from a fight. We are excited to endorse him for re-election so he can continue his efforts to reduce the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government.
“Congressman Hunter has exhibited an extraordinary commitment to serve and defend the Constitution through his service to our country. After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, he left his career as a business analyst and joined the United States Marine Corps, in which he ultimately served three combat tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan over the course of five years. After completing his military service, he continued to serve his country in Congress, where he became the first and only member to have fought in combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq. Congressman Hunter has worked tirelessly to keep America safe and secure, reduce our crippling national debt, and hold the federal government accountable for how it spends our money. He had a head-start in Congress since he succeeded his name-sake father, a dedicated conservative who instilled that sense of duty in Congressman Hunter.
“President Trump and conservatives in Congress, like Congressman Hunter, are working hard to reduce the tax and regulatory burdens on Americans, which is causing the stellar growth in our economy. They also have prioritized rebuilding our military and implementing a coherent foreign policy after eight disastrous years of America leading from behind under Barack Obama. We need the voices of veterans like Congressman Hunter who know what our brave men and women face on the front lines fighting for our freedom and understand the grave threats posed by terrorists and tyrants to our way of life. He knows that a strong economy can support a military that will keep us safe,” Russo concluded.