Tea Party Express Endorses Josh Hawley for U.S. Senate in Missouri
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Attorney General Josh Hawley for U.S. Senate in Missouri.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “When Missouri voters overwhelmingly voted for Donald Trump in 2016, they sent a message that they were fed up with business as usual in Washington. Ultra liberal Senator Claire McCaskill is the poster child for the gridlock, bloated government, and naked partisanship to which the voters demand an end. Thankfully, Missourians can send her packing next week by electing constitutional conservative Josh Hawley to the U.S. Senate.
“A Missouri native, Josh Hawley has spent his career fighting to improve the lives of Missourians and protect their constitutional liberties. As Attorney General, he has fought the Washington overreach that is killing jobs and threatening small businesses, including the Waters of the United States Rule and the Clean Power Plan. He has an impressive record of taking on the special interests, big government, and organized crime, and he was one of the lead attorneys challenging Obamacare at the Supreme Court. In the Senate, Josh will fight for further tax relief for middle class families, smaller government, common sense healthcare solutions, and the confirmation of more constitutionalist judges to the federal courts.
“Claire McCaskill is fond of telling Missourians that she is looking out for them, yet she has spent twelve years in the Senate advancing the liberal agenda of Barack Obama and Chuck Schumer that produced economic stagnation and a bloated federal bureaucracy. That includes supporting failed and intrusive big-government programs like Obamacare, voting against tax relief for hard working Missourians, and opposing President Trump’s efforts to roll back onerous job-killing regulations. Now that the President and the conservative Congress are getting the economy moving again and draining the swamp in Washington, Claire McCaskill has nothing to stand on but obstructionism and liberal talking points. Missourians can see through her empty promises, and next week they can put an end to her charade by replacing her with conservative Josh Hawley,” Russo concluded.