ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Corky Messner for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire
For Immediate Release: May 7, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Corky Messner for the United States Senate in New Hampshire.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are excited to endorse veteran and entrepreneur Corky Messner against liberal ideologue Jeanne Shaheen. Corky’s passion for service, love for his country, and dedication to the Tea Party principles of limited government, free market solutions, and reducing unsustainable spending and debt are a stark contrast to Senator Shaheen’s left-wing agenda. New Hampshire is a state that values liberty, and Corky Messner is the candidate who will defend liberty above all else and bring about some common sense to Washington.
“Corky is a political outsider, not a career politician. A graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point and an Army Ranger, he served in Eastern Europe during the Cold War where he witnessed firsthand the failures of socialism. After returning home, he attended law school and opened a successful law practice that employed hundreds of people. Corky is the embodiment of the American Dream, and in the Senate, he will fight for conservative principles that keep the American Dream alive for all.
“In her twelve years in the Senate, Jeanne Shaheen has proven that she is nothing more than a career politician who places the left-wing agenda over the best interests of Granite Staters. She has supported failed liberal programs like Obamacare, voted against cutting onerous taxes and regulations that strangle New Hampshire’s taxpayers and small businesses, and attempted to block President Trump’s judicial nominees. With America on the cusp of economic recovery and at least one Supreme Court vacancy likely to occur within the next two years, we cannot afford to have liberals like Jeanne Shaheen in control of the Senate. Corky Messner will stand up for New Hampshire’s proud tradition of liberty and implement the conservative ideas that will keep America great,” Russo concluded.

The following are statements from conservative leaders in New Hampshire:
“As a former legislator who was elected as a political outsider, I immediately saw the benefit of not being confined by politics as usual. That’s why I think a conservative outsider like Corky Messner makes sense for New Hampshire to send to Washington. He has a record of accomplishing things outside of politics, but has the skills and determination to make government work for the people instead of special interests. We have learned at the Tea Party Express that outsiders are more able to make positive change in Washington so it was an easy choice to recommend to voters the election of Corky Messner.”
– Tea Party Express Chairman Howard Kaloogian, Resident of Weare, NH
“Corky Messner is committed to individual liberty and economic freedom. He will restore a conservative vision and return a conservative voice for New Hampshire in the United States Senate. In these turbulent, uncertain times, he remains steadfast in his belief in the power of the individual, unleashed by liberty and unburdened by government.”
– Former New Hampshire Speaker of the House Bill O’Brien
“Corky Messner’s unwavering belief in the Constitution and in the Bill of Rights is grounded in his view that our freedoms cannot be denied or redefined to suit a political party or a special interest. We as a nation must stand together, and we can look to champions like Corky Messner to preserve our personal freedoms.”
– State Representative Glenn Cordelli
“Corky has lived the American Dream, and his goal is to ensure that every American has the opportunity to achieve their personal and professional goals. He understands that our freedoms are under siege and as a nation, we must continue to defend our rights to free speech, to assemble, and to worship. He will be a champion of our rights in the U.S. Senate.”
– Hillsborough County Grassroots Activist Christopher Maidment
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, please contact the Press Office at 916-914-5041.