ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Matt Gurtler for Congress in Georgia
For Immediate Release: July 14, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Matt Gurtler for Congress in the race to replace outgoing Rep. Doug Collins in Georgia’s Ninth Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Matt Gurtler’s commitment to the constitutional principles of limited government and individual liberty make him the true conservative in this race. We are excited to join Tea Party Senator Rand Paul and Tea Party Congressman Thomas Massie in endorsing Matt and encouraging all Ninth District conservatives to cast their ballots for him in the August 11th runoff.
“In his two terms in the Georgia House of Representatives, Matt Gurtler developed a reputation for always voting ‘no’ because of his commitment to voting against any bill that either violates the constitution or increases the size and intrusiveness of the government. We need more of that in Congress to put an end to the overspending and overregulation that balloons our national debt and stifles economic growth. Matt is committed to defending constitutional principles against the socialist left and the corrupt establishment. He will work with other conservatives in Congress to curb government interference in the free market, lower taxes on hardworking families, and reduce our national debt.
“The more committed conservatives we have in Congress, the better we can fight the radical left’s plans to put Washington bureaucrats in charge of our healthcare, raise taxes to ridiculous levels, and implement wasteful new programs like the Green New Deal. If the Democrats’ policies are successful, they will destroy the free market and our constitutional rights. Americans have fought too hard from the very beginning to allow that to happen. The future of American liberty depends on electing staunch conservatives like Matt Gurtler to Congress,” Russo concluded.
The following are statements from local grassroots leaders:
“Are you frustrated that your elected officials go to Washington and do not speak up for your values? They do not have the backbone of Matt Gurtler. Matt has proven over and over that he will always speak loud and clear for our conservative values and keep America free!” – R. Gray Smith – Northeastern Forsyth County, GA
“It’s rare to find someone who believes in liberty and private property, understands that the U.S. Constitution is a limiting document, and is principled–strong enough to stand up to for us. That’s what you have in Matt Gurtler. I will always stand with Matt because he’s committed to standing up for you and me.” – Wes Alexander – Rabun Gap, GA
“I followed Matt’s actions during his entire time in the Georgia legislature. He consistently upheld his principles of faithfulness to the Constitution, preference for local control and minimizing the taxes and role of government. He remained steadfast even in the face of powerful pressures to join those who would expand government involvement in our lives. We need Matt and more like him.” – John Van Vliet, LTC (Ret) Ph.D.– Younger Harris, GA
“Matt is a proven constitutional conservative. He has a deep understanding of the proper role of government as spelled out in both the state and federal constitutions. Matt fought hard during his time in the state legislature to block the improper growth of government and to check the growth of improper spending. My only regret is that we do not have a hundred more ‘Matt Gurtlers’ to send to Washington, D.C.” – Everett Womack – Blue Ridge, GA
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, please contact the Press Office at 916-914-5041.