Blog Archives
Jeff Bell, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in New Jersey
Jeff Bell, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, talks about his campaign to unseat Cory Booker, as well as his thoughts on the national debt, returning to the gold standard, the Fed’s zero interest policy, the situation in Iraq, and his plans to help restore America’s middle class.
Interview with Paul Dietzel, candidate for Congress in Louisiana
Paul Dietzel, endorsed Republican candidate for Congress in Louisiana, returns to “On The Campaign Trail” for an update on his campaign, as well as his thoughts on reducing the national debt, EPA regulations, the latest news on Obamacare and Common Core, and the growing challenges in American foreign policy.
Col. Rob Maness for U.S. Senate in Louisiana returns to ‘On the Campaign Trail’
Retired USAF Lt. Col. Rob Maness, endorsed Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Louisiana, returns to “On The Campaign Trail” for an update on his positive, solutions-based, grassroots campaign, his “Contract with Louisiana” and his “Solutions for Us” series of plans that provide common sense, conservative ideas for energy independence, education reform, job growth and veterans affairs.
Congressman Steve Daines, endorsed Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Montana
Congressman Steve Daines, endorsed Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Montana, returns to “On The Campaign Trail” for an update on his campaign, as well as his thoughts on Obama’s war on coal, the threat of regulation on Montana small businesses, the IRS scandal and government overreach, and his experiences in Israel last year in the context of their ongoing conflict with Hamas.