Mr Ryan Goes To Washington
By Lloyd Marcus
Paul Ryan’s VP nomination acceptance speech was the voice of We The People. While on vacation at a Gulf Coast condo, the owner of the building looked me in the eye and said, “Lloyd, as a nation, we need to BELIEVE again. We need to believe that the people we put in office are good honorable people committed to doing what is best for our country.” Paul Ryan is the answer to the elderly condo owner’s dream.
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MSM: Focusing on the Minor While Ignoring the Major to Help Obama
By Lloyd Marcus
Mary and I accepted Becky’s gracious offer to use her condo for a week of relaxation. The panoramic view of the Gulf of Mexico from the balcony is breathtakingly beautiful. The spectacular scene of varying shades of blue sky and alive water is always in a continuous state of change. From our high vantage point, we realized that the gulf is a mirror reflecting the heavens, gifting the sky an opportunity to behold it’s own glory.
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Precious U.S. Citizenship: Diminished and Given Away By Obama
By Lloyd Marcus
These three kids wanted to run for the tall grass. It was early 90’s at the U.S. Citizenship Ceremony in Maryland. Around 1500 people filled the hall comprising of citizenship applicants, supportive family and friends.
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America and Divine Intervention
By Lloyd Marcus
Some pundits say Obama has so successfully transformed America into a “gimme society” that the food stamp president will win reelection in a landslide. Other political wizards say the bloom is off the rose. A majority of Americans realize that Obama is a far left, radical, socialist/progressive, anti-American, lawless dictator. His reign of terror will end come November. Arguments are strong supporting both scenarios.
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My Black Dad and Chick-fil-A
By Lloyd Marcus
I jump on every opportunity to respectfully challenge my 84 year old black dad’s loyalty to Obama. Dad has been a Christian pastor over 50 years. He lives in Maryland and I live in Florida. I called Dad to ask if he participated in Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day. He said, no he had not heard about it. Then, he added, “All I know is Chick-fil-A discriminates against gays.”
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Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day: Great Turnout, Few Blacks In My Town
By Lloyd Marcus
Mary and I had lunch at Chick-fil-A, Saxon Blvd, Orange City, Florida. Wow! The line wrapped around the building. Someone reported the line began forming at 6am.
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Reagan is Gone: Is Sarah Palin America’s Next Great Cheerleader?
By Lloyd Marcus
Some might think me to be just a naïve sentimental old fart. I still remember living in the projects of Baltimore and seeing my dad walking to work. Every eye was on the handsome young black man in his dress blue uniform with polished brass buttons, starched white shirt and spit shined black shoes. Dad was one of the first blacks to break the color barrier into the Baltimore City Fire Department. I was nine years old and so proud of my dad.
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