Confronting PC: Some Will Financially and Politically Die
by Lloyd Marcus
I caught a bit of an interview with conservative actor Kevin Sorbo promoting his movie, “God’s Not Dead” on the Sean Hannity radio show. Sorbo lamented that political correctness operatives continue to bully Americans with little push back. He cited a recent incident in which a little girl was kicked out of school for saying “God bless you” when a classmate sneezed, punished for religious talk in school. Read More
Caution Blacks: White Men At Large
by Lloyd Marcus
It was the 1970s. My black buddy Joe told me about a job opening for a Graphic Designer in the art department at WJZ-TV, an ABC affiliate television station in Baltimore. Dick Weisberg, the white department head liked my portfolio, thought I was a good fit for his team and hired me. Read More
Where is Our Voice in the Wilderness Touting Conservatism?
by Lloyd Marcus
For crying out loud, will someone “pleeeeease” take a stand for Conservatism? Someone forwarded this article to me, “Why Are Republicans Suddenly Leaning Left?” The article cites numerous examples of the GOP obviously believing it must embrace at least lukewarm Liberalism while backing away from Conservatism to win elections. Read More
Yes, I Blame White Liberals
by Lloyd Marcus
A white teacher said he routinely overhears vulgar and racist comments from students at an all black high school. I blame the black youth’s negative mindset on blacks in the civil rights exploitation business and white liberals with their stomach-turning bigotry of lowered expectations. Read More
Peterson Vazquez, My Hispanic Patriot Brother Hero
by Lloyd Marcus
Quoting the Pointer Sisters, “I’m so excited!” Peterson Vazquez is a conservative Republican running for the New York State Assembly. Read More
Is The Tea Party Dead/ More MSM Lies
by Lloyd Marcus
I have been engaged in a series of interviews, radio/TV discussing the topic, “Is The Tea Party Dead?” Because I am black, every interview has begun with me being asked my take on Ferguson before discussing the Tea Party. Read More
MSM Once Again Furthers The Big Lie
by Lloyd Marcus
Mary and I were driving home to Florida from working on the Joe Carr campaign in Tennessee when I heard the report on the radio. “Unarmed black youth shot by police.” Read More
Joe Carr Rally Celebrates Conservative Women
by Lloyd Marcus
The Democrat’s claim that the Republicans have a war on women is just plain stupid. Even more annoying is the mainstream media’s refusal to challenge the Democrat’s absurd premise, especially when the facts prove the polar opposite. If anyone has a war on women, it is the Democrats. Read More