Monthly Archives: January 2013
The Lesson in the Betrayal of Sarah Palin
By Lloyd Marcus
Rush Limbaugh on his radio show discussed an article which stated that there is no respected voice in the national arena articulating Conservatism. Such an advocate for Conservatism is crucial to reversing the direction of America as Obama drives us toward socialism while low-info voters gleefully sing Kumbaya in the backseat.
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The Tea Party Wins and the Unions Lose, Again
Unions Lose Court Battle to Roll Back Gov. Walker’s Collective Bargaining Reforms
We wanted to share with you some good news coming out of Wisconsin that validates all the hard work the Tea Party Express did last year in defending Gov. Walker and his fiscally conservative reforms.
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NEW: Tea Party Express Re-Launches Blog
Since the election in November, we have been forced to listen to the media’s fabricated and worn-out stories about the Tea Party being dead and gone. This could not be further from the truth. It’s for that reason Tea Party Express has launched our own blog that not only celebrates everything the Tea Party has accomplished, but also focuses on continuing the fight to restore the limited Constitutional government our founders envisioned.
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Obama’s Executive Disarmament Confirms Tea Party Can Not Go Away
By Lloyd Marcus
Obama brings kids to the White House as props for photo-op and emotional appeal to unveil his illegal gun control plans. Obama despicably using kids to undermine the Second Amendment via executive order is a perfect example of why the Tea Party can not go away.
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