Congrats to Phil and America!

By Lloyd Marcus

Congratulations America, we did it! Thanks to your passionate push back, A&E networks rescinded its suspension of Duck Dynasty patriarch Phil Robertson. One thing to take away from the Duck Dynasty controversy is that no one knows enough or can predict the future well enough to be a pessimist.
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Danger, Danger Phil Robertson! Do Not Kiss Jackson’s Ring

By Lloyd Marcus

For the sake of America, please, please Phil do not surrender. We have seen this scenario played out on countless occasions; the left launching a shock-and-awe gang media assault on someone who dared to publicly challenge political correctness. The target of their wrath is bludgeoned into submission; overwhelmed with daily hit pieces filled with exaggerations, distortions and even lies about the target’s original comment and intent.
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Thanks Duck Dynasty for the Christmas Gift

By Lloyd Marcus

Duck Dynasty gave me an unexpected wonderful gift for Christmas; a renewed hope in America. Polling on various social issues confirm that liberals have made significant inroads towards secularizing America into a culture in which anything goes.
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Merry Christmas to My Tea Party Family (+ video)

By Lloyd Marcus

Rather than asking you to read a long wordy post from me, I will make this as concise as possible. I love you. For the past five years, we have weathered numerous storms together including the Democrat’s and mainstream media’s deplorable irresponsible on-going campaign to brand you as a bunch of red neck racists.
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