Monthly Archives: May 2014
Ben Streusand, Republican candidate in Texas’ 36th Congressional District
Ben Streusand, Republican candidate in Texas’ 36th Congressional District, talks about Benghazi, Russia’s intervention in Ukraine, the federal debt, the failed Republican leadership in Washington, and how he can make a difference as a freshman Congressman in Washington.
Tom Emmer, Fighting for Conservative Principles
by Donlyn Turnbull
Meet Tom Emmer, the candidate fighting to “return everyday values to Washington D.C.” Tom is running for the 6th congressional district in Minnesota and Tea Party Express recently endorsed him in his bid for Congress. We’d like you to take a few minutes to get to know Tom and learn why we feel he is the best candidate for this position. Read More
Tea Party Express Endorses Ben Streusand for Congress
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proud to endorse Ben Streusand for Congress in Texas’ 36th Congressional District. Read More
Tea Party Express Endorses John Ratcliffe for Congress
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proudly endorsing John Ratcliffe for Congress in Texas’ 4th Congressional District. Read More