The battle against Obamacare and its obvious disregard of the U.S. Constitution has finally reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The Tea Party Express, along with constitutional conservatives across the nation have opposed this legislation from its inception, and whether it be by judicial rule or congressional repeal, we are determined to fight until it is no more.
This is why it is so important for you to join us in support of the Hands Off My Health Care Rally at Upper Senate Park on March 27th at 1:00PM. We are teaming up with Americans for Prosperity and 15 other conservative organizations, along with grassroots activists across the country to rally against Obamacare!
For those unable to join us in person, please support the cause by signing our petition and sending it to your representatives for free!
Coalition co-sponsors include:
60 Plus Association
Americans for Tax Reform
Concerned Women for America
Doctor Patient Medical Association
Eagle Forum
Family Research Council
Hagerstown Tea Party
Heartland Institute
Institute for Liberty
Let Freedom Ring
The Richmond Patriots
Tea Party Patriots
Tea Party WDC
The Mommy Lobby