Tag Archives: Donlyn Turnbull
Tom Emmer, Fighting for Conservative Principles
by Donlyn Turnbull
Meet Tom Emmer, the candidate fighting to “return everyday values to Washington D.C.” Tom is running for the 6th congressional district in Minnesota and Tea Party Express recently endorsed him in his bid for Congress. We’d like you to take a few minutes to get to know Tom and learn why we feel he is the best candidate for this position. Read More
Meet Matt Schultz, Candidate for Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District
by Donlyn Turnbull
Tea Party Express has endorsed Iowa’s Secretary of State, Matt Schultz, in his bid for the U.S. House of Representatives for the 3rd Congressional District. We believe this steadfast conservative will fight to cut taxes, rein in out-of-control spending and work to balance the nation’s budget exactly as he has done in his home state. Read More
Tea Party Express endorsing John Stone for Congress
by Donlyn Turnbull
Tea Party Express would like to introduce you to John Stone running for Georgia’s 12th District seat in the U.S. House Representatives. We’ve endorsed John Stone and invite you to offer your support as well to help us make this true conservative’s bid for Congress successful. Read More
Jeff Sessions’ Fiscal Fight
by Donlyn Turnbull
Senator Jeff Sessions has served in the Senate for three terms and is once again up for reelection in Alabama. Why is Tea Party Express endorsing him for his fourth Senate bid? Please take a few moments to learn why we feel Jeff Sessions needs to remain in the Senate and why we are fighting to keep him there. Read More