GOTV Cross Country Edition
by Donlyn Turnbull
Director of New Media
All across America, patriots just like you are taking heed to our GOTV advice. They have been contacting campaigns and finding ways to walk their local precincts. They are becoming informed on their local Tea Party conservative candidates and helping to influence and inform voters in their area. They’ve been talking to family and friends about their candidates of choice and even lining their yards with signs from their favorite conservatives. Read More
Grassroots Update: Keeping our eyes on the finish line
by Kay Rivoli
National Grassroots Director
Here’s the deal. The Dems are scared to death. They are pouring big money into campaigns in South Dakota, Kansas and many other key battleground states. We, the grassroots, have them on the run. We are uniting behind our conservative candidates and getting out the vote. Tea party supporters are waving signs for Tom Cotton in Arkansas, knocking on doors for Cory Gardner in Colorado and making phone calls for Pat Roberts in Kansas. Read More
Election Roundup: The race rundown in key States
by Andrew Surabian
Political Director
On Monday morning, Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich was joined by a large and enthusiastic group of local Tea Party members to announce our endorsement of Senator Pat Roberts for U.S. Senate at a unity event in Wichita, Kansas. Our endorsement of Senator Roberts followed endorsements of the Senator from conservative superstars like Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin. Read More
GOTV: Middle of the marathon
by Donlyn Turnbull
Director of New Media
Have you ever run a marathon?
If you’ve participated in or even if you’ve stood on the sidelines cheering the participants, you understand it’s no easy task. And if you speak with any repeat marathoner, they’ll joke about how it’s not running the 26 miles that is difficult- it’s the last .2 miles. Read More
Grassroots Update: Remembering why we fight
by Kay Rivoli
Director of Grassroots
Many of you have been working hard all election cycle. Whether it was getting in the trenches during the primaries or working with us to unify for the general election, you’ve been out there fighting tooth and nail to save our great nation. However, it’s important for us to remember why—why we are losing sleep, volunteering our free time, and donating dollars. Read More
Election Roundup: What’s happening in your backyard?
by Andy Surabian
Political Director
After weeks and weeks of polls showing Tea Party Express-endorsed candidate Tom Cotton leading liberal incumbent Mark Pryor, the Democrats are calling in the big gun. It was reported that former President Bill Clinton will campaign with Pryor during a series of rallies throughout the state in an effort to save his flailing campaign. Read More
Welcome to being a good GOTV neighbor!
by Donlyn Turnbull
Director of New Media
It’s week two of our official Tea Party Express “Get Out the Vote” campaign and this week we are focusing on being a good GOTV neighbor. Our GOTV newsletters provide you with all the current election updates so you can learn what’s going on without the spin of the liberal media. Read More
Arkansas Senate Race Summary
by Donlyn Turnbull
Candidates: Republican State Representative Tom Cotton VS Democrat incumbent Senator Mark Pryor Read More