ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Lauren Boebert for Congress in Colorado
For Immediate Release: July 30, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Lauren Boebert for Congress in Colorado’s Third Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are excited to endorse conservative champion Lauren Boebert and congratulate her on her hard-fought, upset primary victory. We encourage all conservatives to come together and support her Tea Party message of limited government, individual liberty and dedication to the United State Constitution.
“As a spouse, parent, and small business owner, Lauren Boebert has experienced firsthand the perils of government overreach. When Colorado’s liberal governor drastically prevented businesses from remaining open, Lauren fought him on the grounds of individual freedom. Responsible businesses could remain open and still make commonsense adjustments to prevent the spread of COVID-19. She showed that entrepreneurs know how to run their businesses and adjust to difficult challenges far better than politicians in Denver or Washington.
“We need more of this commonsense leadership in Congress where elected officials stand up to those who are quick to curtail our freedom. Lauren knows the importance of reducing the size, cost, and intrusiveness of the federal government, getting our economy moving again, and defeating the rising danger of socialism and oppressive government interference in every aspect of our life.

“With each new big government idea they come up with, the Democrats seemingly move further and further to the left. Whether it’s government-run healthcare, the Green New Deal, or defunding the police, their embrace of socialist, big-government ideas endangers the freedoms we Americans cherish. We must elect staunch conservatives willing to stand up against the liberal elitists who think they know what’s best for all of us. Lauren Boebert will fight alongside President Trump and conservatives in Congress to further reduce the taxes and regulations that hamper our economic growth and protect our liberties,” Russo concluded.
The following are statements from local grassroots leaders
“Lauren Boebert is a patriot and a fighter for our rights and freedoms. I believe that Lauren Boebert‘s can-do, get-it-done attitude, as well as a love for God and country, make her the right choice for Congress.” – Dave Burgess, Eckert, CO
“My wife and I voted for Lauren in the primaries for these reasons, and we will again for the general election in Nov. Lauren supports Term Limits, 2A Gun Rights, Home School Freedom, PRO-LIFE, Small Business Ownership and is against wolf release in Colorado. I am glad to associate with Lauren.” – Randy Fisher, Grassroots Supporter, Delta, CO
“I support Lauren Boebert because she’s not afraid to stand for her Christian values and the sanctity of life. As a small business owner, I believe she will represent my family, my love for freedom and the Constitution. My wife had never voted in 51 years, but Lauren got her vote for the very first time because of Lauren’s faith and love of family.” – Pete Miller, Grassroots Supporter, CO
“My husband and I had heard that Lauren Boebert was on the primary ballot for Colorado’s 3rd District Congressional seat and were interested to learn more about her. I attended a “meet & greet” in Montrose several weeks ago and was very encouraged when I heard what Lauren believed about major issues of importance to us: border control, 2nd Amendment rights, small government, and the Constitution. Her strong conservative agenda and resolve to be a steadfast ‘voice for the people’ are a ray of hope in these difficult times. We hope to see Lauren victorious on November 3rd and go on to serve our District well in Washington.” – J&B Waugh, Montrose, CO
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, please contact the Press Office at 916-914-5041.