ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Jeanne Ives for Congress in Illinois
SACRAMENTO, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Jeanne Ives for Congress in Illinois’s Sixth District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Jeanne Ives is known and respected throughout Illinois for her principled leadership and commitment to the Tea Party values of limited government and economic prosperity. She has taken on challenging races because she is committed to her platform for conservative solutions, and she is adamantly opposed to the big government, left-wing activism that has pervaded Democrat politics, particularly in her home state of Illinois.
“Whether on the battlefield or in the statehouse, Jeanne has spent much of her life serving others. A West Point graduate, she spent six years in the U.S. Army before retiring to raise her family and open her own business. She developed a reputation for standing up for local taxpayers both on the Wheaton City Council and in the Illinois House of Representatives, where she fought to reform Illinois’ broken tax and pension systems, hold state government accountable for its waste and mismanagement, and block new taxes and regulations. That’s the sort of leadership we need in Congress to get our economy moving again, stop the out-of-control spending, and continue draining the swamp.
“Jeanne has fought for the same principles throughout her career in public service, so the voters will always know where she stands. The same thing cannot be said about Sean Casten, who claimed to be a moderate in order to get elected but turned around and voted in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and radicals like AOC. In fact, he has been rated as one of the most partisan members of Congress. As our economic recovery begins in earnest, we cannot afford to have partisan liberals imposing costly new government programs, higher taxes, and job killing regulations. We need principled conservatives in Congress like Jeanne Ives who will put the American people above political games,” Russo concluded.
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, please contact the Press Office at 916-914-5041.