ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Jennifer-Ruth Green in Indiana’s First Congressional District

For Immediate Release: July 21, 2022

Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Jennifer-Ruth Green in Indiana’s First Congressional District.  

Jennifer-Ruth Green, Candidate for Congress

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Jennifer-Ruth Green is a conservative powerhouse who champions fiscal responsibility and a free-market economy, and we are pleased to endorse her candidacy.

“Currently in Congress, only 91 members have served in the military at some point in their lives, the lowest number since at least World War II.  And given today’s dangerous worldwide climate, Jennifer’s military experience is sorely needed as she understands the dangers of what can happen if political leaders gain too much power at the expense of the people. 

Congressional Candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green

“After graduating from the United States Air Force Academy, Jennifer-Ruth went on to bravely serve our nation, deploying to Iraq as a mission commander for counterintelligence for Operation Iraqi Freedom, and then becoming Deputy Chief for a nuclear command post.  After full-time military service, Jennifer-Ruth transitioned to the United States Air Force Air Reserve Component where she still serves the American people.

Congressional Candidate Jennifer-Ruth Green

“Besides her extensive military background, Jennifer-Ruth is also active in her community and has poured into the next generation of leaders. She started a non-profit that helps at-risk youth cultivate a love of learning and teaches them to become engaged and active members of their community.

“Her experience has taught her the importance of protecting American values against the left who only seek to raise our taxes, waste American taxpayer funds on frivolous spending projects, and risk our energy independence by outsourcing our needs to hostile nations.  Jennifer-Ruth is determined to fight back against any politician who attacks free market principles and has pledged to hold them accountable for their reckless spending sprees and racking up an unheralded national debt. 

Jennifer-Ruth Green

“The Democrats think they have a monopoly on Indiana’s First Congressional District, but Jennifer-Ruth has proven them wrong.  She has stunned liberals with her strong grassroots ground operation and ability to raise more funds than her opponent, and the liberals know this seat is no longer a guarantee.  As Democrats become ‘woke’ with far out leftist ideas, they are leaving working people in this district with no representation.

“Joe Biden and his tax-and-spend allies in Congress have already driven our economy into the ground with their reckless spending bills and overreaching mandates that are crushing small businesses and robbing families of their hard-earned paycheck.  We must put an end to Pelosi-style politics that is driving up inflation and causing great division in our nation, and electing Jennifer-Ruth Green to Congress is the way to do it. 

Jennifer-Ruth Green has proven she has the support of Hoosiers, and she is the right candidate for such times as these.  I’m confident once elected, Jennifer-Ruth Green will fight to champion our Tea Party principles to stop radical spending, limit the size of government, and restore American prosperity, and we are pleased to give her our full endorsement,” Russo concluded. 

To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express

contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124. 
