ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Kat Cammack in Florida’s Third Congressional District
For Immediate Release: August 22, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Kat Cammack for re-election to Congress in Florida’s Third Congressional District.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Kat Cammack is a long-time conservative leader who is committed to stopping Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden’s dangerous policies from destroying the lives of Floridians. We met Kat at Tea Party rallies in Florida at the very beginning of our national bus tours, and she has demonstrated time and again her determination to uphold those principles that have made America strong and prosperous.
“Kat has an incredible testimony of how hard-work and pure grit allowed her to go from a homeless daughter of a single mother to being elected as the youngest Republican woman to Congress, all in less than a decade. Her shining example of perseverance reminds us all that the American dream is truly attainable to each and every person, regardless of their background. She learned that hard work and perseverance were the secrets of her success, not government handouts that seem to be the only idea of Democrats in Congress.
“Having lost her family’s small cattle ranch due to the failed policies of Barack Obama – Kat saw firsthand how the oppressive regulations and mandates of Big Government destroy lives. She was determined to do something about it so she ran for Congress herself, and upon getting elected, has worked tirelessly to reduce the size and scope of the federal government in hopes no other family will experience what she went through.
“From pushing back against the radical EPA’s excessive regulations to standing up for cattle ranchers in Florida, Kat is determined to fight on behalf of her constituents in the third district to help them achieve economic success despite Biden and Pelosi’s attempts to stifle individual freedom and prosperity.
“With skyrocketing inflation rates and record-high prices at the gas pump, Floridians are fed up with Biden’s continued erosion of the freedom Floridians have come to cherish. More taxes and unnecessary, burdensome regulations from Washington won’t solve any of America’s problems.
“Kat Cammack is a shining example of what young leaders can do when given the opportunity. I’m confident she’ll continue to champion our Tea Party principles to reduce frivolous spending, stop massive tax hikes, and restore American prosperity, and we are honored to endorse her campaign,” Russo concluded.
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contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124.