Tea Party Express Endorses Matt Larkin for Congress in Washington
For Immediate Release: October 14, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Matt Larkin in Washington’s 8th Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are pleased to support Matt Larkin for Congress because he is a hard-working community and business leader determined to reverse the disastrous policies of tax-and-spend Democrats in Congress, which certainly include the incumbent liberal Kim Schrier.
“A native of Washington, Matt put down roots in the Evergreen State and carried on his family’s legacy by working in their manufacturing business. Matt is also an attorney and has used his talents to serve as a criminal prosecutor to make Washington a safe place for families to live.
“Matt is heavily involved in his local community and is often seen serving in his local church or helping charities that support first responders and victims of domestic violence. The truth is, the failed policies of Washington, D.C. politicians have devastated the Evergreen State, leading to extreme poverty and a statewide homelessness crisis.
“But instead of getting to the root of the crisis, Democrats in Congress continue their spending whirlwind which robs taxpayers of their hard-earned paychecks in order to fund their progressive pet projects. And with record-high inflation and soaring prices at the pump and in the grocery store, Washingtonians are struggling to make ends meet while liberals like Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congresswoman Kim Schrier continue to spend our nation into oblivion.
“Matt has pledged to fight back against the job-killing tax hikes and reckless spending policies destroying the America we know and love. He’s determined to do his part so future generations can have the same opportunities we have enjoyed, and it won’t happen unless the Democrats in Congress are replaced with commonsense solution-oriented leaders like Matt Larkin.

“I’m confident Matt Larkin will champion our Tea Party principles to rein in runaway spending, stop massive tax hikes, and restore American prosperity, and we are pleased to endorse his campaign,” Russo concluded.
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express,
contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124.