Tea Party Express Opposes Two-Month Payroll Tax Extension
Senate Republicans Tone Deaf to 2010 Election Results
Tea Party Express, the largest tea party political action committee, is firmly urging House Republicans to reject the Senate’s 2 month extension on the Payroll Tax Cut.
Sal Russo, Chief Strategist of the Tea Party Express, said, “to begin the new year with continued economic uncertainty without addressing the fundamental problem of out-of-control spending is irresponsible.
“The goal of Senator Harry Reid is to again out-maneuver House Republicans by trying to ram through legislation at the last second that only positions Democrats to continue to spend without heeding the message from the 2010 elections. While we always support letting taxpayers keep more of their hard-earned money, there must be corresponding spending cuts that bring down the cost of government and our outlandish deficit.
“Senate Republicans who have criticized House Republicans for standing up for taxpayers should be cognizant that Americans want fiscal responsibility in Washington. They are sick and tired of more deals that make for fancy press releases, but do nothing to reign in the out-of-control growth and spending of the federal government.
“It is disappointing to see Republican Senators Scott Brown (R-Mass), Dean Heller (R-Nev) and Dick Lugar (R-Ind) blame House Republicans when it is their capitulation to Harry Reid that has caused the current crisis. With all three up for election in 2012, you would think that they realize the public does not support the big government approach of Harry Reid; they support trimming the size and cost of government.
“This provides further evidence that the Tea Party Express has made the right decision in endorsing Indiana State Treasurer, Richard Mourdock, in the Republican Primary for U.S. Senate against Dick Lugar,” Russo concluded.