Congressman Curt Clawson to Deliver Tea Party Response to the State of the Union Address
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, proudly announces Congressman Curt Clawson (FL-19) will deliver the official Tea Party response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address directly following the Republican response. Clawson won a heavily contested, special election against more establishment candidates last April in Southwest Florida, but was able to prevail with strong conservative grassroots support.
Date: Tuesday January 20, 2015
Time: Directly following the Republican response
Speaker: Congressman Curt Clawson (FL-19)
Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich, “2015 marks a year of new beginnings for the Tea Party movement. With historic victories in both the House and Senate, conservatives are poised to push a bold, reform-minded agenda through Congress. These new Tea Party members of Congress are brimming with ideas to make America economically stronger with opportunity for all to realize the American Dream. We are honored to present Florida Congressman Curt Clawson, the first Tea Party Express victory for the 2014 cycle, as someone committed to making Congress deliver for the American people.
“Despite some recent good economic news, our economy still continues to under-perform because of the constant taxing and over-burdening regulations on job creation. Too many Americans have given up looking for jobs, are under-employed or mired in economic stress. Currently, over 90% of all counties in America have yet to return to pre-recession unemployment rates. The economic inequality that Obama professes to care about is now worse. The answer is not more government, but more private sector job growth. And, with $18 trillion in debt, it’s no wonder why voters chose a new vision for our future.
“Congressman Curt Clawson represents the face of this new, conservative vision for America’s economic renewal. Clawson never envisioned serving his country in Congress earlier in his life, but after he retired Clawson decided to take his private sector, solutions-based ideas to change the debate on Capitol Hill. Prior to joining Congress in 2014, Congressman Clawson was a successful business leader that took over a multinational company that was $2 billion in debt. Through his vision and leadership, he turned the company around and saved close to 600 American jobs.
“Clawson, a former Purdue University basketball co-captain, understands the importance of teamwork and bringing people together to win. His response will highlight the importance of the Republican Party’s efforts to branch out from the narrow walls of yesterday’s GOP. He will articulate an inclusive message that focuses on providing economic liberty and individual opportunity for every American. We are proud to be partnering with Congressman Clawson, and we are excited to hear his response to President Obama on Tuesday night.
“Our response will immeditately follow the Republican response being delivered by Senator Joni Ernst of Iowa. As a candidate that earned Tea Party Express’ endorsement during her primary, we applaud the GOP’s choice of profiling another fresh conservative leader that is committed to America’s restoration.” Budowich concluded.
Tea Party Express hosted the first ever Tea Party State of the Union response in 2011. The response was first delivered by Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (2011), followed by Herman Cain (2012), Senator Rand Paul (2013), and Senator Mike Lee (2014). We are returning to the House for the response in 2015.
The Tea Party response will be streaming live at The embed code for the live stream will also be made available to all conventional and online media outlets upon request.
Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich and Chief Strategist Sal Russo will be available in Washington D.C. for interviews and reactions.