Tea Party Express Endorses Henry Ross for Congress in MS-01
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is proudly endorsing Henry Ross for Congress in Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, “In recent years, Mississippi has witnessed a truly grassroots, conservative reawakening. Tea Party activists throughout the state have taken the future of our nation into their hands by getting involved in elections vital to restoring America’s promise. Nowhere is that more apparent than with Henry Ross in Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District. Henry Ross stands head-and-shoulders above the rest as the true Tea Party candidate.
“Ross is truly a product of the Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District. After finishing his early education in Eupora, Henry went on to earn degrees in business and law from the University of Mississippi. Henry’s professional achievements can best be described by his public service. Henry clerked for U.S. Circuit Judge J. P. Coleman and later served our nation as a JAG Corps officer. After his service in the U.S. Navy, Henry went on to serve as the only Assistant District Attorney in Mississippi. In 1993, he was handpicked by Governor Kirk Fordice to serve as one of Mississippi’s 2 Circuit Judges, a post he served with honor and integrity.
“Henry Ross’ service to Mississippi did not stop there. In 1997, Henry was elected Mayor of Eupora, where his achievements included significant improvements to city services, without raising taxes. Most recently, Henry was appointed by the Bush Administration to serve as Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General in the Environment and Natural Resources Division.
“Throughout Henry’s distinguished career, he has put the people of Mississippi and his fellow Americans first. He exhibits an unparalleled understanding of the Constitution, free markets, and limited government. It’s no surprise why Henry has garnered such enthusiastic and widespread approval throughout Mississippi’s 1st Congressional District. We are proud of Henry’s commitment to conservatism, service, and most importantly, the U.S. Constitution. That’s why Tea Party Express is joining with local and state activists in endorsing Henry Ross for Congress,” Budowich concluded.
This national endorsement is being driven by the enthusiasm and support for Henry Ross throughout Mississippi. Local and statewide leaders have shared their individual endorsements of Henry:
“As a concerned citizen and now Chairman of the Mississippi Tea Party, I am happy to recommend Henry Ross to voters and the Tea Party Express in this special election for the MS Congressional District 1 special election. I got to know Henry in 2010 when Tea Parties all over the country were forming. As it happened, Tupelo was holding a Tea Party Express event in the town square at which Henry spoke to the crowd as a candidate for this Congressional seat. Henry has a loyalty and understanding of Constitutional governance that is not often found in those seeking any office today. Having served his community in his professional life as well as voluntarily with those principles in mind, he fully is one to be lauded for his continuous service to the people and the principles that made this country great. Not new to politics and known throughout Mississippi, Henry has been active in the Republican party and his community. Henry is a veteran with a fine legal mind, and having served as mayor of Eupora, having run for this Congressional Seat twice, I believe Henry Ross is the best candidate for Congressional District One. Most sincerely I hope Henry prevails as the winner in this special election.”
-Laura Van Overschelde, Chairman Mississippi Tea Party
“I have known Henry for years and could go on about his many conservative attributes. If I had to pick just one though, it would be his unwavering belief that we must get the Federal government back to it’s Constitutional limits.”
-Martin Falkner, Mississippi Tea Party, District 1
“I am praying for, campaigning for, providing financial resources to and supporting Henry Ross in any way I can.”
-Tom Minyard, Mississippi Tea Party Activist
“I firmly believe that Henry Ross is a man of knowledge and wisdom and will do all the right things for Mississippi, District 1 and the nation. I do not see him as a deal maker but I do see him as a man of who stands on the principles espoused by our founders. He will be as near a perfect representative for District 1 as we could possibly hope for. Henry is mature enough that he will not be the type of previous ‘career politician’ that Mississippi is known for.”
-Michael Bostic, Central Mississippi Tea Party
“I am all-in for Henry Ross and have been since early March. When I researched the candidates and sat down with several of the candidates in this race to discuss their positions, it was quite evident that Henry was the best, by far. Henry is “the” Constitutional, Christian conservative candidate in this race.”
-Don H. Abernathy, Jr., VP Smith-Doyle Contractors and Mississippi Tea Party Activist
“We support Henry Ross as a true conservative in Mississippi.”
-Baird Moor VP Leflore/Carroll County Tea Party
“I listened to all the candidates address the problems in our country and how they would resolve those problems. And, I listened to all the candidates profess to be Christian but not mention what that had to do with how they live their life or how that would affect the way they conduct business. Only one man claimed to rely on The Constitution and God’s Word as his guide to decision-making. That was Henry Ross. While others spoke, Henry casually listened, keeping his eyes on the speaker(s). While others preached, Henry spoke to the people, reminding them that God’s Word and America’s Constitution are the only two books that government needs to reference when in need of answers on how they should execute, legislate, and judge all business of the American people.”
-Ruth Marie Hammerman, Mississippi Tea Party Activist
“My wife and I know Henry Ross well. He is a true conservative and a constitutionalist. We need him now badly.”
-Steve Wade, MS Tea Party
“I know Henry Ross very well and I can assure you he is the kind of statesman we need to help return America to a limited, Constitutional government. Henry Ross is a true Conservative Constitutional Republican who believes in limited government. He is also a big fan of term limits, which is music to my ears. I support Henry for the MS District 1 U.S. House of Representatives.”
-Andy Lollar, MS Tea Party
“We are working hard to elect a Constitutionally sound candidate. He believes in the rule of law and I have learned a lot about our Constitution by listening to him. One of the founding members of the Tea Party in Northwest Mississippi, I helped start the Tea Party here because we need to stop an over reaching Washington and bring the power back home. I believe in my heart that Henry Ross is the man to do this and he won’t waver in his belief or vote.”
-C. Marvin Cox, Founding Member, Northwest Mississippi Tea Party
“I’ve known Henry for about 10 years. He is a friend and an attorney that I highly respect. His experience with the Navy JAG Corps shows a level of integrity that I have not seen in other officials that I have supported in the past. His constitutional knowledge is the foundation all his actions and decisions to represent the people of the first district. We need a strong leader who will SERVE the people of Mississippi. Working with The Tate County and Desoto County Tea Parties in North Mississippi, Henry Ross has our support.”
-Bill Ford, Chairman, Panola County Tea Party of North Mississippi
“I am supporting Henry Ross for many reasons, some of which follow. Henry’s logo contains the words Faith, Family, Freedom”, which is him in a nutshell; he is the only constitutional conservative in this race; he is the only candidate who mentioned restoring liberty in a recent debate; as a Christian Henry has the courage and fortitude to stand up against the immoral liberals; as a Navy JAG veteran, he understands the need for a strong military.”
-Rita Buse Lee County Leader Henry Ross for Congress Tupelo MS Tea Party Activist
“Henry is the kind of leader we need on our Congressional team. Currently, we have only RINOs or Democrats. Henry will bring the ‘conservative voice’ to the team. As an individual, I am doing all I can to help in his campaign.”
-Janis Lane, President, Central Mississippi Tea Party
“During this unique time of America’s history, the nation is facing difficult crossroads. There are difficult decisions being made, and the leaders that we chose to make these decisions are extremely important. In the current Congressional race for MS 01, there are 13 candidates on the ballot. Unfortunately, there is only ONE Constitutional Conservative. That Constitutional Conservative is Henry Ross. Henry has an outstanding resume, full of public service. For this reason, I proudly support Henry Ross for Congress.”
-Tanner Newman, MS Tea Party Activist
“I support Henry Ross for his bid to represent Mississippi’s first congressional district.”
-Ron Vincent Hattiesburg Tea Party