Tea Party Express Suspending SOTU Response for Trump
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, announced that they would suspend their traditional State of the Union response because President Donald Trump has largely been implementing their policies on spurring a stronger economic future.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “I am proud to announce the Tea Party Express will not respond tomorrow to President Trump’s State of the Union address because we could not be more delighted with his economic policies that foster economic growth and opportunity.
“While everyone found something to like or not like about the recent tax reform bill signed into law by President Trump, there is no question that it had as a foundation the pro-growth policy that the Tea Party Express has supported since the inception of the modern tea party movement. It will materially improve the lives of every American by increasing opportunity and create more wealth for all.
“On top of the regulatory relief that has been achieved during this past year, his achievement of major tax reform will ensure that the time of a slow growing, wage-restraining period is over. We will see that the economic policies of President Trump will result in a far more rapidly growing economy that will ensure more Americans than ever will have the opportunity to realize the American dream.
“We are grateful for those who have stood up over past years to promote more rational economic and tax policies to re-ignite the American economy. The previous responders for the Tea Part Express include: conservative columnist and author Wayne Allyn Root in 2016; former Congressman Curt Clawson in 2015; Senator Mike Lee in 2014; Senator Rand Paul in 2013; radio talk show host Herman Cain in 2012; and former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann in 2011.
“Our supporters would like nothing better than to stand on the sidelines and cheer for continued success that we have seen on economic issues with the help of a Republican Congress and President Trump,” Russo concluded.