Monthly Archives: September 2012
On The Road With Tea Party Express: Tale of Two Black Voters
By Lloyd Marcus
Hi Patriots. I am on the road touring on Tea Party Express VIII: Winning for America. Before joining the tour yesterday, I was in Baltimore where a black woman told me, “They’re tryin’ to get him! I pray that he wins.” The “they” she was referring to, in her mind, are those evil white racist Republicans who are trying to kick-out her black president. This black woman is a Christian. So I replied, “Well, Obama coming out in favor of same-sex marriage and vowing to be an advocate for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities turned-off a lot of people, including black pastors across America.”
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9/11: Remember The Jumpers
By Lloyd Marcus
Mary and I flew from Florida to Alexandria, Minnesota where I was the keynote speaker and entertainer (singer) at their “Rally for America”. As we approach another anniversary of the 9/11attacks, I caught segments of various 9/11 documentaries on TV in the hotel room.
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Tea Party Express Announces “Winning for America” National Bus Tour
25 Battleground States in 22 Days Starting September 11th
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest tea party political action committee, announced the “Winning for America” national bus tour today. The tour will travel through 22 battleground states that are key to conservatives’ victories in November.
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Resident Evil: The MSM
By Lloyd Marcus
OK, so I am watching a CNN panel discussion about Romney’s acceptance speech. Christine O’Donnell was on the panel. The CNN host said that Romney’s speech and our side was, in essence, calling the Democrats communist. O’Donnell explained that we are not calling them communist, but simply pointing out the differences in our vision of America verses the Democrats. Once again, an Obama media operative was attempting to spin/distort our words to portray Republicans/Conservatives as being extreme.
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