Monthly Archives: July 2013
Ted Cruz Needs Help
Today is the one year anniversary of Ted Cruz’s historic Texas-sized Tea Party victory. Grassroots conservatives from across the country came together to take a stand with Ted against the Washington, D.C. establishment. Now, a year later, we are preparing to do it again in 2014 Midterm Elections.
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Stop Harry Reid’s Liberal Agenda!
CALL TO ACTION: Iowa needs our help
As you are probably aware, Democrat Senator Tom Harkin has decided to retire, leaving his Iowa Senate seat up for grabs. This gives us an excellent opportunity to win this Senate seat, and that is exactly what we have to do if we are going to take power away from Senate Leader Harry Reid.
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O’Reilly: Keep Those Right-on Commentaries Comin’ White Boy.
By Lloyd Marcus
As a black conservative tea party activist, I am extremely excited about Bill O’Reilly’s recent series of commentaries and TV shows addressing the hypocrisy and exploitation by the American race industry that has and continues to devastate the black community.
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Black America’s True Nemesis: Liberals, Not Zimmerman
By Lloyd Marcus
In the midst of all the racial hullabaloo stirred up by so-called advocates for black empowerment after the Zimmerman trail, guess who is really being harmed? Answer: Black America.
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