Monthly Archives: October 2014
Tea Party Express Endorses Scott Brown for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, proudly endorses former Senator Scott Brown for U.S. Senate in New Hampshire. Read More
Interview with Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, recently endorsed by Tea Party Express
Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas, recently endorsed by Tea Party Express, talks about his opponent’s big money progressive donors and his liberal agenda, as well as issues like Obamacare and the need for Republicans to take back the Senate, abortion, and Sen. Roberts’ battle to keep the White House from sending terrorists from Gitmo to Ft. Leavenworth.
Election Roundup: Race to the finish line!
by Andrew Surabian
Political Director
Last week Tea Party Express announced our endorsement of Dan Sullivan for U.S. Senate in Alaska. Sullivan is challenging incumbent Democrat Sen. Mark Begich and recent polls show a neck and neck race between the two, although it would seem as though Sullivan has the slight advantage. Tea Party Express also announced the launch of a statewide radio advertisement blitz featuring 2010 Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Joe Miller. In the ad, Miller goes after Begich for supporting President Obama’s policies 97% of the time, as well as for his support for Obamacare. You can listen to the ad which is currently running statewide, here. Read More
GOTV: Headed for the Grand Finale
by Donlyn Turnbull
Director of New Media
Everyone enjoys a great fireworks show. It’s fun watching each unique display light up the sky, but the best part is always the grand finale. That’s when suddenly, instead of just one or two well-paced individual explosions, the sky is suddenly illuminated with an entire arsenal. Read More