ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses in 3 Iowa Congressional Races to Take Back the House Ashley Hinson, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and David Young for Congress
For Immediate Release: June 1, 2020
SACRAMENTO, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of the following Congressional candidates in Iowa: Ashley Hinson in the 1st District, Mariannette Miller-Meeks in the 2nd District, and David Young in the 3rd District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “In this critical election year, Republicans have the opportunity to take back the House of Representatives from the failed Democrat control by Speaker Nancy Pelosi. If conservatives take back the House, it will be because of success in Iowa where all three of the state’s Democratic House seats are in jeopardy and conservatives have the unique opportunity to take them back. We are excited to endorse three committed conservative leaders with exemplary backgrounds of public service as well as a history of working across party lines to get things done for Iowans. Each will stand up to the radical left’s embrace of socialism and efforts to undo the reforms ushered in under President Trump.
1st District: “An Iowa native, former television reporter, and two-term member of the Iowa House of Representatives, Ashley Hinson is a familiar face to First District voters. While serving in the Iowa House, she helped pass a balanced state budget and voted for tax cuts that put millions of dollars back in the hands of middle class families. With a proven record of reaching across party lines to deliver commonsense solutions, Ashley is the pragmatic conservative leader who can cut through the noise in Washington. In Congress, she will fight to make President Trump’s middle-class tax cuts permanent, protect agricultural jobs, and rebuild the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

2nd District: “Mariannette Miller-Meeks has dedicated her life to serving others. Enlisting in the U.S. Army at the age of 18, she served for 24 years as a nurse and doctor before retiring and establishing a private practice in Ottumwa. The former Director of the Iowa Department of Public Health, Dr. Miller-Meeks knows our healthcare system is broken, and she will fight for market-based solutions that protect consumer choice and lower costs while keeping Washington bureaucrats out of private medical decisions. She believes in holding government accountable for its failings, which is why she will cut waste and fraud from federal programs and support President Trump’s efforts to renegotiate unfair trade deals that hurt Iowa workers, manufacturers, and farmers.

3rd District: “Seventh generation Iowan David Young is no stranger to public service. From working as former Senator Chuck Grassley’s chief of staff for seven years to serving two terms in Congress himself, David has a record of standing up for Iowans. During his four years in Congress, David never missed a single vote and established himself as a pursuer of bipartisan solutions. Among his key accomplishments are tax relief for working families and job creators and bipartisan legislation to protect the agricultural industry from terrorism. David’s brand of commonsense conservative leadership is sorely needed in Washington, where the moneyed special interests and entrenched establishment too often stand in the way of real solutions.

“Each of these three districts has been represented by liberal Democrats who claim to be looking out for Iowans’ best interests yet turn around and vote in lockstep with Nancy Pelosi and the radical left. Iowans know doubletalk when they see it, and they will not be fooled by the left’s political gamesmanship. Hardworking families and farmers must be free to pursue the American Dream without their tax dollars being confiscated by an intrusive federal government to pay for failed social programs. Their futures depend on the economic freedom and fiscal restraint that Ashley Hinson, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and David Young will advance in Washington,” Russo concluded.
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express, please contact the Press Office at 916-914-5041.