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2020 is our time to TAKE BACK THE HOUSE and FIRE NANCY PELOSI!

We at Tea Party Express our deep into the vetting process to ensure we endorse candidates who will carry our conservative values to D.C.
There are 435 House seats up for re-election and 33 Senate seats. We are evaluating all of them. We are studying candidates in all parties to make sure we support the best candidate possible into the General election.
We need winners, and to that end we are checking backgrounds, looking at campaign finances, researching social media, examining stances on the issues, and learning about a candidate’s life. Examining all we can to make wise and thorough decisions when it comes to our endorsements.
We are doing the heavy lifting so we can help you make informed decisions when you go to the polls. And in that effort WE NEED YOUR HELP to continue the process of vetting candidates. Please contribute to our efforts. Help us continue our winning strategy of endorsing viable, conservative champions who can achieve victory in November.
Your vote is a powerful tool in the process of democracy. We are a Republic, if we can keep it. WITH YOUR HELP we can! Your informed decision at the polls can make all the difference in the defense of freedom and liberties in this nation. Your vote is the greatest weapon in fighting to keep socialism out of the United States, and we will help you weld it with power by educating you on the candidates we believe will stand and fight for our FREEDOMS and work with integrity for WE THE PEOPLE! Please help us continue our work vetting candidates with your donation. Every dollar helps so please give what you can.
Thank you for your support and we look forward to working with you in the coming months to Get Out The Vote and elect conservative champions on November 3rd . TOGETHER we can take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi’s hand!
If you have any questions about our candidate process or our organization please contact our National Grassroots Director, Kay Rivoli at [email protected].
Tea Party for Trump
The recent polls coming out are showing President Trump behind many of the Democratic candidates. Now, as financial disclosures are due at the end of the first quarter of the year, we see that these Democrats are raising unheard of millions of dollars. So Trump is behind in both the polls and in the critical fight for financial resources to communicate with the American people.
We launched the “Tea Party for Trump ” to get conservatives off the sidelines and back in the field to preserve the tremendous gains we have made over the last two years and achieve even more victories ahead in a second term of Trump-Pence.
We have a major battle taking place for the soul of this country. President Trump is fighting for a pro-American agenda of lower taxes, less government regulation and more freedoms and liberties for our families and small businesses.
Meanwhile, the Democrat Party has embraced extremist left-wing policies with Democrat politicians openly advancing a Marxist-socialist agenda to “fundamentally transform” this nation into a nightmare our Founding Fathers would never recognize.
Despite the dangerous left-wing, socialist ideas that these candidates are advocating, they are raising a record amount of money. Just look at what some of them has raised in just the first three months of 2019:
- Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): $18.2 million from 525,000 donors
- Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.): $12 million from 138,000 donors
- Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D-Texas): $9.4 million from 218,000 contributions
- South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg: $7 million from 158,550 donors
- New York entrepreneur Andrew Yang: $1.7 million from 80,000 donors
Even complete unknowns like Buttigieg and Yang are raising tons of money. We are behind, way behind, and we have to count on you to help get us back in the game to re-elect President Trump. He needs our support now more than ever, and that is why we are moving forward with the “ Tea Party for Trump.”
We need to build an army of Tea Party supporters across the country who will not only work to help secure President Trump’s re-election, but will also be a strike force that fights back against the leftists who are trying to undermine President Trump and his Administration.
In essence, the “Tea Party for Trump” is the conservative counterpoint to the Left’s “Resistance” movement, and with your support, we will be victorious!
Please enlist in the “Tea Party for Trump” – you can support our efforts by making a contribution online – CONTRIBUTE HERE.
Tea Party for Trump

The Mueller Report has been completed and conclusively showed that the Russian collusion accusations were a bunch of baloney, and we have to get organized now to make sure President Trump is re-elected. That’s why we are launching the “Tea Party for Trump” to get conservatives off the sidelines and back in the field to preserve the tremendous gains we have made over the last two years and achieve even more victories ahead in a second term of Trump-Pence.
We have a major battle taking place for the soul of this country. President Trump is fighting for a pro-American agenda of lower taxes, less government regulation and more freedoms and liberties for our families and small businesses.
Meanwhile, the Democrat Party has embraced extremist left-wing policies, with Democrat politicians openly advancing a Marxist-socialist agenda to “fundamentally transform” this nation into a nightmare our Founding Fathers would never recognize.
During his State of The Union address, President Trump called out the Democrats and vowed to fight to keep this a free nation that rejects socialism:

President Trump needs our support now more than ever, and that is why we are launching the “Tea Party for Trump.” We are building an army of Tea Party supporters across the country, who will not only work to help secure President Trump’s re-election, but will also be a strike force that fights back against the leftists who are trying to undermine President Trump and his Administration.
In essence, the “Tea Party for Trump” is the conservative counterpoint to the Left’s “Resistance” movement, and with your support we will be victorious!
CAMPAIGN: Senate 60
Tea Party Express was instrumental in helping conservatives gain back control of both the House and the Senate and send Donald Trump to the White House. Yet one roadblock still remains to passing a conservative agenda in Washington, DC. Conservatives only hold 52 seats in the Senate, which means liberal Democrats can still hold our priorities hostage through the filibuster.
It takes 60 votes to stop a filibuster, which means that Republicans are 8 votes short. Therefore, Tea Party Express is introducing our Senate 60 Campaign, a battle plan for defeating the vulnerable liberal Senators who stand in the way of fully conservative government.
We are focused on the 13 Senate seats that provide the greatest opportunity for a conservative candidate to beat a liberal Democrat incumbent. The good news is that ten of these seats are in states that Donald Trump won in 2016. If we can defeat just 8 of these liberal Senators, we will have a filibuster-proof majority.
Tammy Baldwin
After decades of supporting failed liberal policies, Wisconsin voters have embraced conservative ideals at the ballot box in recent years. But Tammy Baldwin is so out of touch that she continues to ignore the will of her constituents. From voting for unlimited spending and debt to doubling-down on Obamacare and promising to block President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee, it’s no wonder she has been called one of the most liberal members of Congress.
Sherrod Brown
Far-left liberal Sherrod Brown is simply out of step with the people of Ohio. Now that he’s the most powerful Democrat on the Banking Committee, he has embraced the radical financial agenda that socialist Bernie Sanders ran on. Brown swore he’d try to block President Trump’s Attorney General nominee – before the Senate even held confirmation hearings. With Trump having won the state by 9 points, it’s clear Ohioans have had enough of Brown’s radical liberal agenda.
Bob Casey
Pennsylvania has grown increasingly red in recent years, yet Bob Casey has continued to pursue a liberal agenda in the Senate. Casey has voted to affirm Obamacare every time he could and voted to add trillions of dollars to the national debt. Now his opposition to Donald Trump’s cabinet appointees threatens to derail the president’s conservative agenda. Trump’s win in Pennsylvania in 2016 proves that people of that state are sick and tired of big government, job-killing liberals like Bob Casey.
Joe Donnelly
Liberal Joe Donnelly tells his constituents that he is a conservative, but his ultra-liberal voting record proves otherwise. He promised to balance the budget and pay off the national debt, but instead he voted to let allow the federal government to create unlimited debt. As if that weren’t enough, Donnelly consistently defended President Obama’s failed stimulus plan and auto industry bailout. Donald Trump won Indiana by a whopping 19 points in 2016, so Hoosier voters have clearly had enough of liberals like Joe Donnelly.
Heidi Heitkamp
North Dakota
When running for Senate in conservative North Dakota, liberal Heidi Heitkamp promised not to raise taxes. Yet, as a Senator, she voted to tax every single American who shops on the Internet. Heitkamp has been one of the staunchest defenders of Obamacare in the Senate and has repeatedly voted against President Trump’s cabinet appointments. She may claim she has North Dakotans’ interests at heart, but she is just another pawn in the liberals’ chess game.
Tim Kaine
Unabashed liberal Tim Kaine is Hillary Clinton’s handpicked vice presidential running mate and the former chairman of the Democratic National Committee. They don’t get much worse than this. Virginia is a purple state primed to turn red in 2018. So while Kaine continues to lash out against President Trump’s cabinet appointments and defending Obamacare’s failures, we can double down on our efforts to ensure this southern Senate seat returns to Republican hands.
Angus King
Angus King ran for Senate as an independent and even promised to caucus with the Republicans if they took control of the Senate. Yet despite Republicans controlling the Senate, King still caucuses with the Democrats and votes with them more than 90% of the time. Perhaps that explains his support for radical environmental regulations, his vote to increase the national debt, and his describing opponents of Obamacare as “guilty of murder.” He may say he is an independent, but Angus King is nothing more than a radical liberal.
Joe Manchin
West Virginia
Joe Manchin likes to pretend that he is a conservative Democrat in a deep red state like West Virginia, but it’s clear the Senator isn’t who he says he is. He sold out to the liberal teachers unions and Washington bureaucrats by opposing Donald Trump’s pick for Education Secretary, betrayed gun owners by voting for onerous gun control measures, and flip-flopped so many times on Obamacare that West Virginians simply can’t trust what he says. It’s time to show Manchin the door in 2018.
Claire McCaskill
Claire McCaskill represents a state in America’s conservative heartland, yet she carries the water for Washington, DC liberals. McCaskill supported just about every one of President Obama’s priorities, including Obamacare, the failed stimulus, increasing the debt ceiling, and the confirmation of Obama’s far-left Supreme Court justices. She isn’t fooling the voters of Missouri, who struck back against the liberal overreach of the Obama years by voting overwhelmingly for Donald Trump. It’s time to send Claire McCaskill packing.
Bob Menendez
New Jersey
Bob Menendez isn’t just one of the most consistently liberal members of the Senate. He is also the most corrupt. In fact, he was indicted in 2016 on federal corruption charges that include bribery and conspiracy. Yet Menendez has the audacity to call President Trump’s conservative agenda “terrible and ugly.” It is this type of corruption and out-of-touch thinking that voters decided they were sick and tired of when they swept the Tea Party into control of Congress and elected Donald Trump.
Bill Nelson
Liberal Bill Nelson knows he’s in for the fight of his life to keep his Senate seat in 2018. His record of voting nearly in lockstep with other Senate liberals for President Obama’s most failed policies, including cap and trade, Obamacare, and the wasteful economic stimulus is hardly popular in Florida, which broke for Donald Trump and re-elected Tea Party Senator Marco Rubio in 2016. The more Bill Nelson vows to block President Trump’s agenda, the more vulnerable he becomes.
Debbie Stabenow
Throughout her three terms in the Senate, Debbie Stabenow has proven herself to be a big government, tax-and-spend liberal. At seemingly every turn, she has voted for job-killing regulations and massive tax increases while opposing common sense reforms to curb the growth of government. These liberal policies have contributed to the poor state of Michigan’s economy, which is why voters in the Wolverine State went for Donald Trump in 2016. Michigan has proven it is ready for a change.
Jon Tester
In deep-red Montana, Jon Tester is deeply unpopular among his own constituents. A quick examination of his liberal voting record shows why. Tester voted to spend nearly $2 trillion in failed stimulus spending and then said the stimulus bill was a “solid compromise” and a “step in the right direction!” In addition, Tester supports President Obama’s EPA regulations that have destroyed coal industry jobs in his own state. Hard working Montanans deserve better than a left wing apologist like Jon Tester.