ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Ted Budd for Senate in North Carolina
For Immediate Release: September 15, 2022
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Ted Budd for election to the United States Senate from the State of North Carolina.

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Congressman Ted Budd is a rock-solid conservative who hasn’t been afraid to stand up to liberals like Speaker Nancy Pelosi in fighting back against the radical spending spree flooding out of Congress, and we can count on him to stand up to Senate liberals too. This is a crucial Senate seat in order to take back the Senate from Senator Chuck Schumer and Vice President Kamala Harris, and Ted is the strong conservative we need in this election.
“While the liberals in Congress have no limits to their big domestic spending programs, they continue to ignore the deterioration of our nation’s military defenses which sorely needs updating. Ted understands the security of our nation is in jeopardy if politics as usual continue in Washington, D.C., and he’s determined to do his part to put America first and restore our nation to its founding principles.
“Ted’s unwavering commitment to fight back against liberals like President Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi have earned him the coveted endorsement of former President Donald Trump, as well as other conservative icons like U.S. Senator Ted Cruz, Congressman Jim Jordan, and media personality Mark Levin, who also served as Chief of Staff to Attorney General Ed Meese in the Ronald Reagan Administration. Conservative organizations like Tea Party Express, have rallied around Ted as well, joining Gun Owners of America, National Border Patrol Council, North Carolina Values Coalition, and so many more in endorsing Ted’s campaign.
“Having grown up on a cattle and commercial chicken farm in rural North Carolina, Ted learned the value of hard work and sacrifice. As a small business owner who still lives on his family farm, Ted knows the challenges small-business owners face, especially when out-of-touch bureaucrats force through massive tax hikes and crippling regulations that destroy the free market.
“The Council for Citizens against Government Waste named Ted a ‘Taxpayer Hero’ for his commitment to fight to protect the American taxpayers against bloated government spending and wasteful projects being pushed onto taxpayers by Washington, D.C. politicians. Ted firmly believes in ensuring North Carolinians keep more of their hard-earned money, and his commitment to living out his principles as a fiscal hawk have also earned him the Taxpayers’ Friend Award from the National Taxpayers Union and the Freedom Fighter Award from FreedomWorks.
“I have no doubt Senate Ted Budd will continue his fiscal crusade to slash excessive taxes and cut government waste. Tea Party Express looks forward to Ted Budd continuing to champion our Tea Party principles to reduce the size of government, rein in reckless spending, and restore American prosperity, and we are thrilled to give Ted Budd our strong endorsement,” Russo concluded.
To schedule an interview with a representative of Tea Party Express,
contact the Press Office at 916-706-0124.