Monthly Archives: October 2012
Romney: Jabs OK, Left Hooks To The Jaw Would Have Been Better
By Lloyd Marcus
During the debate, Obama performed like the classless lying Chicago bully-in-chief that he is. Every answer out of Obama’s mouth was a thinly-veiled personal attack calling Romney a liar, lacking in character, or pronouncing him ignorant.
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Mt. Pleasant MI Protesters: A Different Tale
By Lloyd Marcus
Our Rebuild America Defeat Obama Tour rally in Mount Pleasant, MI was held in a charming throwback hall. Mirrors covered the walls. Decorative small light bulbs wrapped the columns and strategic spots around the room creating a warm friendly setting. To my surprise among the sea of patriots, I noticed “Obama/Biden” signs held above the crowd in back of the room.
Black Christians: Shame! Shame! Shame!
By Lloyd Marcus
Increasingly, I am hearing the following mantra/narrative from Black Christians. “I’m voting for Obama because he is the lesser of the two evils.” This is an extremely weak veiled attempt to justify their racism and loyalty to The Black Code (never side with a white against a fellow black).
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Tea Party Express VIII: Winning For America
September 11 – October 3, 2012
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