Monthly Archives: December 2012
Blackness Gestapo Attack on RGIII Typical
By Lloyd Marcus
RGIII (Robert Griffin III), superstar quarterback of the Washington Redskins is the latest black under attack by the Blackness Gestapo. The Blackness Gestapo are racists, black and white, who troll the airways keeping blacks in-check, faithful to their blackness. They believe to be authentically black, one must behave and think in certain ways. Blackness Gestapo mandated authorized black behavior includes having a chip on your shoulder against whites, maintaining an eternal victim and entitlement mindset, never achieving success without Democratic Party programs and never ever voting Republican. Blacks must call themselves African-Americans and display an urban edge via their speech, attire and attitude.
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Restore America 101
By Lloyd Marcus
What patriots find most alarming about the reelection of Obama is the feeling that we have lost America.
Recently, a pro football player committed suicide after murdering his girlfriend. The media blames guns and football for the shooting. They act as if the football player bore no responsibility, which is in keeping with Obama’s new America.
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Obama must show leadership in fiscal-cliff talks
By Sal Russo
Now that the election campaign is over, it is time for President Obama to show some leadership in resolving the economic woes facing America. The first step is to avoid going over the “fiscal cliff” that the President and Congress foolishly created by their inaction over the last two years.
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