Tea Party Condemns Progress Kentucky
Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest tea party political action committee, condemns the super PAC Progress Kentucky for its deplorable comments about Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s wife, Elaine Chao.
Tea Party Express Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “At a time when America’s economy is growing at the lowest rate after a recession in modern American history, it is deplorable, yet not shocking, that a liberal super PAC would attack the wife of a U.S. Senator instead of focusing on the economic issues that are crucial for our future.
“I have known Elaine for nearly 30-years, and it’s sad to see her smeared and politics degenerate to these unethical, below-the-belt attacks. She has been a successful businesswoman and a dedicated public servant, heralded for being the crème of the crop of Cabinet members during the Bush Administration. She deserves the unqualified gratitude of all Americans for her service.
“This attack on her not only crossed the line, but also perpetuates the problems in Washington where personal attacks have taken the place of civil discourse about the troubling issues facing our country. If Progress Kentucky would spend less time trying to vilify and smear Senator McConnell and his wife, they may realize that at the end of day, we are all still Americans and need to work together constructively,” Russo concluded.