Grassroots Update: Remembering why we fight
by Kay Rivoli
Director of Grassroots
Many of you have been working hard all election cycle. Whether it was getting in the trenches during the primaries or working with us to unify for the general election, you’ve been out there fighting tooth and nail to save our great nation. However, it’s important for us to remember why—why we are losing sleep, volunteering our free time, and donating dollars.
As I have reached out to the grassroots, I have heard your stories of frustration and joy. You see, what we see, the big picture and the need to take the Senate.
Yesterday, I received an email from an activist in Kansas, which included a statement written by Jana Rae Lawrence, part of which I wanted to share with you.
She states beautifully why we must be tenacious in these final weeks:
“The choice is clear—Progressive Socialism or a free-market America.
Imperfect as it is, it is only the Republican platform that advances Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness. The Democrat Party no longer exists. It has moved so far to the left that individual members are either clueless or complicit.
As long as the planks of the Republican Party adhere to the Constitution I will stand on them, even if not in complete support of the candidate. Later, after the election, I will seek a relationship with them and hold them accountable to the platform. Until then there are more voters to inform, a standard to raise and worthy candidates to champion.”
We have incumbents and candidates in key elections that need our help. Through them, we’ll be better able to help restore America, but sitting at home over split hairs is not an option. We must show resolve and fight in every race to make sure on November 4th that it’s our conservative, Tea Party ideas of limited government, free markets, and liberty that prevail.
Jana Rae Lawrence understands that we each must use the power of our voice and the power of our vote to make a difference. That can’t be done from a couch. It takes boots on the ground, putting out yard signs in our neighborhoods and motivating our network.
Each of us should be encouraged by the knowledge there is an army of grassroots working across this nation to take back the Senate. Let me know what you are doing in your local neighborhoods to get out the vote, and I’ll share next week with our readers your ideas.
You can email me at [email protected]. United We Win!
Read this week’s other Tea Party Express GOTV Newsletter articles:
Welcome to being a good GOTV neighbor.
Election Roundup: What’s happening in your backyard?