Tea Party Express Endorses Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate

Sacramento, CA – Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest Tea Party political action committee, has announced its endorsement of Josh Mandel for U.S. Senate.

Tea Part Express Executive Director Taylor Budowich said, “Since 2010, the Tea Party has successfully helped reshape the Republican Party by electing true conservatives up and down the ballot who are willing to stand up for fiscal responsibility and constitutional governance. Josh Mandel epitomizes the new face of conservative Republicans, and we couldn’t be more proud to support his campaign.


“As we canvassed the state and weighed our options in this race, there was never any doubt as to where grassroots activists and conservative voters were. Josh Mandel has earned nearly unanimous respect and support from conservative-aligned voters and groups across the state. He has done so by being more than just talk, and actually delivering for Ohio taxpayers. Josh’s innovative OhioCheckbook.com allows Ohioans to see where their money is going, taking Ohio’s fiscal transparency rating from 46th to 1st in the nation!


“Josh led the fight to end the death tax and reform the municipal tax system. Day after day, Josh has proven he is a fighter, something that should be no surprise given his service in the U.S. Marine Corps and two tours to Iraq. So, it is with great pleasure that I announce Tea Party Express’ support for Josh Mandel,” Budowich concluded.


The following are statements of support from local, Tea Party and conservative-aligned leaders
and activists throughout Ohio. Their titles are included for identification purposes.


“Josh Mandel is the most conservative elected official in Ohio this side of Congressman Jim Jordan and Warren Davidson. His OhioCheckBook.com has become a model for economic transparency for every state in the nation. He backs his conservative views with conservative action and has done so consistently his entire political career. If Ohioans want a Senator in Washington who will stand with the likes of Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, Rand Paul and Marco Rubio, and who will support the Trump Agenda that Ohio voted for, they need to elect Josh Mandel in 2018.”  

-Tom Zawistowski, President, We the People Convention


“I am proud to endorse Josh Mandel for US Senate in Ohio. Josh has proven himself as a strong fiscal conservative and a Constitutionalist. He will represent Ohio well in the Senate and stand on the principles of fiscal responsibility, a limited Constitutional government and the free market.”

-Ann Becker, Cincinnati Tea Party, President, Ohio Republican Party State Central Committeewoman, 4th District


“Josh Mandel is a true conservative and has lived and worked for fiscal responsibility and lower taxes as Treasurer in Ohio and will continue this as our next US Senator.  He has worked to make the public financial records in Ohio transparent so Ohio residents can see exactly how their taxpayer dollars are being spent.  Josh Mandel will hold government in Washington, DC, accountable, as he has done in Ohio.”

-Mary Ellen Buechter, Vice President, Miami County Liberty



“Josh Mandel has proven himself as a true conservative, with the necessary skills and experience needed to represent Ohio in the US Senate.  The Ohio Treasurer’s office, under the leadership of Josh Mandel has catapulted from last place to first place in government transparency. Can you imagine a program like OhioCheckBook.com at the federal level?? It would be AWESOME! I urge every Ohioan to throw their full support behind Josh Mandel for US Senate.” 

-John McAvoy, NW Ohio Conservative Coalition, Toledo Tea Party


“Josh Mandel is a man of action!  He has proven time and time again that he cares for all Ohioans by leading the fight to end Ohio’s death tax. Josh heard the call from Ohioans to increase transparency! So, Josh implemented the OhioCheckbook.com that opened the books for all to see. OhioCheckbook.com is a model that all State Treasures should follow when it comes to transparency. Josh has a strong, positive vision for Ohio. As our next US Senator, Josh Mandel will do a fantastic job representing Ohioans and working hard to protect our constitutional rights.” 

-Mike Lyons, Southeast Side 9-12 Project, Group Leader


“Josh Mandel, a marine veteran, served 2 tours in Iraq. As State Treasurer, he implemented Ohio Checkbook making Ohio number 1 in fiscal transparency. Josh is against sanctuary cities, Common Core, Obamacare, Medicaid expansion and Abortion. He is a true conservative. He supported Trump. He has my vote.”

-Marsha Frost, Ohio Grassroots Activist


“Ohio has been disadvantaged for too long by being represented by the most liberal senator in Congress.  It’s time we have a true Conservative standing up for our interests & values.  Josh Mandel has led the charge against Sanctuary Cities.  Our Constitutional laws & safety of our citizens comes first with Josh.”

-Linda Caudill, Ohio Grassroots Activist


“Ohio needs a Conservative Senator in Washington who will vote along with Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, and Rand Paul.  Josh Mandel is that person.  Josh has served the State of Ohio as Treasurer, and has created the Ohio Checkbook, where municipalities, and other taxing entities can join so that voters know how their hard-earned money is spent.  I am proud to be a Co-Chair of Franklin County for Josh’s campaign.  And, I was thrilled to learn just today that Ted Cruz has endorsed Josh Mandel.” 

-Meta Hahn, Franklin County Co-Chair


“As a Tea Party organizer, I’m personally sick of BOTH parties.  As a Christian, there is no way I could ever support a Democrat.  Sherrod Brown has been around far too long. I like what I see from Josh Mandel and I hope that Conservatives, Christians, Patriots and good Red-Blooded Americans will get behind him and vote him in for Senate!”

-Tammy Roesch, Tea Party Organizer for Ashtabula County, OH