Rumors of the Demise of Conservatism are Sorely Exaggerated.

By Lloyd Marcus

Dinner conversation with a group of conservative activist friends could have been pretty depressing if I were not as they jokingly refer to me as an “eternal optimist”; a badge I wear with honor. My optimism is not a refusal to face reality. My optimism is rooted in 60 something years of life experiences and faith in God. I am idiotic enough to believe God’s word when it says “in everything give thanks”. Call me crazy, naïve and silly, but no matter how bad the situation, I look for the blessing.
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A Medieval Tale: King Obama & Queen Pelosi vs Ye Commoners

By Lloyd Marcus

Lady Palin gets it! Sarah Palin just gave $5,000 – the maximum amount allowed by law – to a candidate in a critically important race. So who is this candidate and why is this race so important? Allow me to explain in the form of a medieval tale.
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Disturbing Pattern: Obama Puts Our Enemies Above Us

By Lloyd Marcus

We are witnessing a disturbing pattern. President Obama always puts the best interest, well-being and rights of our enemies above providing protection and justice for the American people.

My wife ranted, “It is as if Obama is desensitizing us to the suffering of our people in these terrorist attacks.
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Benghazi Scandal: Don’t Let Melanin Trump National Security.

By Lloyd Marcus

Patriots, I got this horrible feeling watching the MSM on the cable news TV shows playing down the Obama scandals. I thought, does Obama being liberal and “black” trump any and everything? Will the MSM continue to side with him no matter what? Will all of the lies, corruption, betrayals and probable criminal activity simply roll off the Obama Administration’s back like water off a duck? Will Obama and company get away with it all?
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