Tag Archives: Bus Tour
Tea Party Express Rallies in Roanoke, VA and Charlotte, NC on Thursday, September 8th
FROM THE ROAD: Tea Party Express, www.TeaPartyExpress.org, considered one of the most aggressive and influential tea party groups, will hold rallies today in Roanoke, VA and Charlotte, SC in the final week of their 30-city tour themed “Reclaiming America,” featuring conservative speakers, singers, and entertainment!
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Tea Party Express in Rhode Island & Pennsylvania TODAY!
Providence, RI – Tea Party Express, considered one of the most aggressive and influential tea party groups, will hold rallies today in Rhode Island and Pennsylvania as part of the 30-city tour themed “Reclaiming America,” featuring conservative speakers, singers, and entertainment!
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National Tea Party Express Continues with Star-Studded Rallies in New Hampshire!
Sarah Palin, Gary Johnson, & Buddy Roemer to attend events TODAY
Tea Party Express will hold rallies in Manchester and Nashua today as part of the 30-city tour themed “Reclaiming America,” featuring conservative speakers, singers, and entertainment!
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National Tea Party Express Continues with Star-Studded Rallies in New Hampshire!
Sarah Palin, Gary Johnson, & Buddy Roemer to attend Monday events
Tea Party Express, considered one of the most aggressive and influential tea party groups, will hold rallies in Manchester and Nashua on Monday as part of the 30-city tour themed “Reclaiming America,” featuring conservative speakers, singers, and entertainment!
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