The Tea Party Express Radio Hour hosted by Howard Kaloogian can be heard every Monday from 8-10PM PST on KCBQ AM 1170 in San Diego, CA or streamed live HERE.
We want to hear from you! Call the studio line at 1-888-344-1170 and let us know what is on your mind.
Dec 26, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express Chairman
Dec 19, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)
Amy Mitchell, El Paso County Tea Party
Dec 12, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Robert Davi, Conservative Actor and Singer
Dec 5, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Mike Holler (aka Mr. Constitution), Author of The Constitution Made Easy
Jon Wakefield, Board member of the Richmond Tea Party
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express Chairman
Nov 28, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform
Sal Russo, Co-Founder and Chief Strategist of Tea Party Express
Nov 21, 2011: The Tea Party Express Hour with Howard Kaloogian
Topic: Scott Walker recall update
Annette Olson, Unfringed Liberty/Wisconsin Tea Party
Amy Kremer, Tea Party Express Chairman