ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Anna Paulina Luna in Florida’s 13th Congressional District

For Immediate Release: September 16, 2022

Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Anna Paulina Luna in Florida’s 13th Congressional District.  

Tea Party Express National Grassroots Director, Kay Rivoli, Anna Paulina Luna, Congressional Candidate, and Tea Party Express Chief Strategist, Sal Russo

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Now that the primary has concluded and Florida voters have spoken, it’s crucial we rally and unify behind Anna Paulina Luna to help elect her as the next Congresswoman from Florida.  Not only does Anna have a strong grassroots base, she’s earned the coveted endorsement of former President Donald Trump, along with a host of other conservative leaders. 

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ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Ted Budd for Senate in North Carolina

For Immediate Release: September 15, 2022

Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Ted Budd for election to the United States Senate from the State of North Carolina.  

Tea Party Express National Grassroots Director, Kay Rivoli, Representative Ted Budd, and Tea Party Express Chief Strategist, Sal Russo

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “Congressman Ted Budd is a rock-solid conservative who hasn’t been afraid to stand up to liberals like Speaker Nancy Pelosi in fighting back against the radical spending spree flooding out of Congress, and we can count on him to stand up to Senate liberals too.  This is a crucial Senate seat in order to take back the Senate from Senator Chuck Schumer and Vice President Kamala Harris, and Ted is the strong conservative we need in this election.

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ELECTION ALERT: Tea Party Express Endorses Ashley Hinson, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and Zach Nunn for Congress in Iowa

For Immediate Release: August 29, 2022

Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation’s largest grassroots Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of three solid fiscal conservatives: Ashley Hinson in Iowa’s 2nd Congressional District, Mariannette Miller-Meeks in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District, and Zach Nunn in Iowa’s 3rd Congressional District. 

Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said, “We are thrilled to support Ashley Hinson, Mariannette Miller-Meeks, and Zach Nunn for Congress as they are all strong conservatives who will champion the Tea Party principles of limited government, lower taxes, and true fiscal responsibility.

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