Don’t Believe the Government Numbers
As usual, Washington is misleading the public about the economy. President Obama is hoping to use false numbers about employment to confuse voters about his destructive policies. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics is making the audacious claim that the national unemployment rate is only 8.3%. This bogus number is calculated by changing the labor participation rate; in other words, government economists don’t include people who gave up searching for jobs. This number also doesn’t include part time employees that desire to work full time.
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What South Carolina Shows Us
By Howard Kaloogian
South Carolina’s GOP electorate is not monolithically conservative, which is why it’s been such a good predictor of the ultimate GOP nominee supporting both moderates such as Bush 41, Dole and McCain, and conservatives such as Reagan and Bush 43. Any pundit who analyzed Newt’s victory in South Carolina as a result of a uniform electorate either doesn’t know the state, or has an agenda to marginalize the conservative message. South Carolina has forever been divided between the coastal plains and the Appalachian foothills.
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Has the King spoken?
By Howard Kaloogian
The Founding Fathers were concerned that any form of government could become too powerful. They had good cause; they just fought a long war against the greatest power of their age, ruled by a king with nearly absolute power. They wanted to prevent an executive from having unilateral ability to rule. Obama swore an oath to support that rule, but again this week he has acted as a domestic enemy to the Constitution.
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Don’t Regulate the Internet
The Washington crony plan to regulate the internet is becoming closer to reality. As it stands today, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) has significant support in the House of Representatives and could actually pass. Despite the wishes of everyday internet users and technology experts, politicians are succumbing to the wishes of corporate lobbyists to pass this monstrosity
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An Introduction
The Tea Party Express came into existence as the tea party movement was awakened by the famous Rick Santelli rant that swept across the country in February of 2009. This power and influence could not be ignored by the political establishment as the grassroots movement exploded onto the scene. Now, after five national bus tours and several regional tours that hosted over 300 rallies, the Tea Party Express has become nationally recognized for making a difference in critical elections. Now, nearly three years after our inception, we have launched a brand new website in order to better communicate with our supporters and to fulfill our campaign needs heading into the 2012 elections. We have found a need to share with supporters not only what we are currently doing, but also where we have been and where we are going. It was for this reason that our team came together to provide a completely redesigned website. Enjoy!
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2011 Year in Review
Another year in the books!
We were so busy in 2011 that it seems like a blur that flew by. At a time when the mainstream media keeps pushing the notion that the Tea Party is losing its influence, I think that it is important to look back on all that you and I accomplished in 2011. We can be very proud of all that we have done and use it as motivation to fight for Tea Party values in 2012.
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Smoke and Mirrors?
By Howard Kaloogian
Each time Obummer wins political contests, America loses.
This week, Obummer won the idea of extending the current lowered FICA tax rate, always called the payroll tax in the press. So what is the problem? It’s robbing Social Security of its dedicated source for funding. I’ve never once heard the press inform us about this however. But then again, the press is an agenda driven political arm of the establishment, not a source of objective fact based information.
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The Federal Budget Deficit
By Howard Kaloogian
My dad was an engineer, and could get into the complex details with the best of them. But he always wanted a one page summary of every large study or difficult problem so that he could grasp the big picture. The Federal budget is such a study, but it too can be explained so the problem is easily understood.
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